2025年1月22日 星期三
Karyotype analysis of four taxa of Bupleurum used in Chinese drugs
1995年 第4卷 第4期 页码[41-45]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

报道了4种中药柴胡植物的染色体核型,其核型如下:北柴胡(Bupleurum chinense DC.)2n=12=6m+4sm+2st,核型类型为2A型;红柴胡(.scorzoneifolium Willd.)2n=12=10m+2sm,2A型;线叶柴胡(B.angustissimum(Fr.)Kitagawa)2n=12=4m+2msat+6sm,2A型;双鸭山居群(B.sp.)2n=26,为二型性核型。北柴胡(二倍体)和线叶柴胡的核型为首次报道。结合有关文献对4种柴胡的核型变异进行了简略的讨论,发现黑龙江双鸭山1个居群的核型与姜传明等报道的肇东五里木居群一样,具有与日本三岛柴胡(. falcatum L.)相类似的核型,由于分类命名的复杂性,暂称为双鸭山居群。


The pressent paper deals with the karyotype analysis of 4 taxa of Buplanvm used in Chinese drugs. The karyotype formulae are as follows : B. clanase DC. 2n = 12 = 6m + 4sm + 2st with karyotypic type 2A ; B. scorzoneifolium Willd. 2n= 12= 10m+2sm with type 2A; B. angustissim (Fr. ) (Bangustissimum(Fr.)Kitagawa)2n=12=4m+2msat+6sm, with type 2A ; B. sp. (Heilong-Jiang Shuangyashan population) 2n = 26 with bimodal karyotype. The karyotypes of B. clanase and B. angustissim are reported for the first time. Compared with the previous literatures the karyotype variations in different populations of the 4 taxa are discussed and it is found that the karyotype of Shuangyashan population is similar to that of Wulimu population from Heilongjiang reported by Jiang Chuan-Ming et al. and B. jafmtam L. from Japan reported by S. Ohta, so there might be a taxon shared by N E China and Japan. Owing to the remarkable differences of external morphology and karyotypes between European and Asian populations of B. falcatum, it may be suggested that the shared taxon ought to have a new and reasonable Latin name.

关键词柴胡; 核型分析;
Key wordsBupleurum; karyotype analysis
所在单位江苏省植物研究所中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014
黑龙江双鸭山师范学校, 双 鸭 山 155125