2025年3月13日 星期四
Analysis on differences in leaf functional traits of desert plants under interspecific association pattern in different water-salt environments of Ebinur Lake
2022年 第31卷 第3期 页码[18-25]    下载全文[2.6MB]  

本研究对艾比湖不同水盐环境荒漠植物的种间关联特征进行了分析,并比较了关联种对间植物叶片功能性状(叶片C、N、P和S含量)的差异。结果表明:高水盐(盐胁迫)和低水盐(干旱胁迫)环境下,艾比湖荒漠植物种间总体关联性均呈现不显著负关联,种间关系相对松散。从关联种对来看,2种不同水盐环境均以正关联种对居多,其中,低水盐环境下正关联种对数明显高于高水盐环境,种间互利关系更占优势;高水盐和低水盐环境下,盐节木〔Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) Bieb.〕与其他物种间多表现为负相关,相关系数为-0.48~1.00;高水盐环境下,显著正相关种对多见于生物量较低的物种间。正关联种对的叶片C、N和S含量差值总体表现为高水盐环境高于低水盐环境,而负关联种对叶片N、P和S含量差值在低水盐环境下更高。高水盐环境下正关联种对的性状(叶片P含量除外)差值总体高于负关联种对,但在低水盐环境下则相反。综合研究表明:干旱胁迫下种间竞争往往使种间功能性状趋异,而互利作用则使种间功能性状趋同;盐胁迫下性状相似种对的竞争更加激烈,互利种对的功能性状差异明显。


 The interspecific association characteristics of desert plants in different water-salt environments of Ebinur Lake were analyzed in this study, and the differences in leaf functional traits (contents of C, N, P and S in leaf) of associated species pairs were compared. The results show that in high water-salt (salt stress) and low water-salt (drought stress) environments, the overall interspecific association of desert plants of Ebinur Lake shows a non-significant negative association, and the interspecific relationship is relatively loose. In terms of associated species pairs, positively associated species pairs are more in two different water-salt environments, in which, the number of positively associated species pairs in low water-salt environment is evidently higher than that in high water-salt environment, and its interspecific beneficial relationship is more advantaged; in high water-salt and low water-salt environments, Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) Bieb. mostly shows negative correlations with the other species, and the   correlation coefficients are -0.48-1.00; significantly positively correlated species pairs in high water-salt environment are more commonly found among species with relative low biomass. The difference values of contents of C, N and S in leaves of positively associated species pairs in high water-salt environment are higher than those in low water-salt environment, while the difference values of contents of N, P and S in leaves of negatively associated species pairs are higher in low water-salt environment. The difference values of functional traits (except for leaf P content) of positively associated species pairs are higher than those of negatively associated species pairs in high water-salt environment, but it is the opposite in low water-salt environment. In conclusion, the interspecific competition under drought stress tends to make interspecific functional traits different, while the beneficial effect makes the interspecific functional traits similar; the competitions between species pairs with similar traits are more intense under salt stress, and the differences in functional traits of beneficial species pairs are evident.

关键词艾比湖; 荒漠植物; 水盐环境; 种间关联; 功能性状; 种间差异
Key wordsEbinur Lake; desert plant; water-salt environment; interspecific association; functional trait; interspecific difference
作者程久菊, 张雪妮, 张子洋, 陈静
所在单位新疆大学生态与环境学院 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31700354); 新疆大学2020年国家级大学生创新训练项目(202010755076)