2024年9月13日 星期五
Investigation on the plant resourcesof Dashahe Nature Reserve of Yinsha in Guizhou
1998年 第7卷 第4期 页码[14-18]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

在对大沙河银杉自然保护区进行实地考察的基础上, 通过对88 152 属约 300 种常见维管植物的调查分析, 初步认为该区内植物资源有如下特点:1) 植物区系成分复杂, 种子植物属的分布区类型有 12 , 北温带分布东亚分布热带亚洲分布和泛热带分布类型比较多见;2) 古老残遗及稀有濒危植物比较集中, 其中国家重点保护植物 8 ;3) 园林观赏植物类型多样, 杜鹃花属植
物尤 具 特 色
;4) 药 用 植 物 资 源 丰 富, 红 豆 杉 Taxus chinensis ( Pilger ) Rehd.〕、 雷 公 藤( Tripterygium wilfordii Hook .f .) 等多为珍贵药用植物对保护区的现状也进行了分析和评价


The Dashahe Nature Reserve of Yinsha ( Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang ) is located in Daozhen county , the northern edge of Guizhou Province .Based on the results of the field exploration and the analysis of some 300 species of vascular plants, w hich are common and related to 152 genera in 88 families, some characteristics of the plant resources in this area are summerized as follows :1 ) complex ity of the floristic components, according to the geographical distribution of spermatophic genera, 12 types of geog raphical elements exist, among which North Temperate, East Asia, Tropical Asia and Pantropic elements are more common; 2) concentration of the archaic and relic or the rare and endangered elements of which 8 species are among the key plants of national protectio n ;3) diversity of the wild ornamental plants, especially of Rhododendron L .etc ;4) richness in medicinal plants including some precious species, e .g .Taxus chinensis ( Pilger) Rehd ., Tripterygium wilfordii Hook .f .etc . The present situation of the Nature Reserve are also discussed .

关键词贵州; 大沙河; 银杉自然保护区; 植物资源;
Key wordsuizhou; Dashahe; Nature Reserve of Yinsha; plant resources
作者A·彼得·沃顿, 陈 训 ,张 维
所在单位加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学植物园, 温哥华, V6T 1Z4
贵州省植物园, 贵阳 550004