2025年3月14日 星期五
Effect of different fertilizer treatments on contents of essential oil and its main composition linalool in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera
2013年 第22卷 第1期 页码[76-81]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

为探讨不同施肥处理对芳樟(Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita.)叶精油及其主成分芳樟醇含量的影响,运用三元二次回归正交旋转组合设计检测了不同N、P 和K 施肥条件下芳樟1 年生扦插苗叶精油的含量和芳樟醇的相对含量并建立数学模型;通过对数学模型拟合的回归方程进行最优求解,确定最优施肥配比。结果表明:不同施肥处理对芳樟叶精油及芳樟醇相对含量的影响极显著,精油质量分数为1. 53% ~2. 30%、芳樟醇相对含量为88. 36% ~94. 87%。显著性分析结果显示:N 和K 施用量对精油含量分别有极显著和显著影响,N 施用量对芳樟醇相对含量有显著影响而K 施用量无显著影响,P 施用量对精油含量和芳樟醇相对含量均无显著影响。N、P 和K 施用量与精油含量和芳樟醇相对含量数学模型的回归方程分别为Y =1. 054+0. 392X1 -0. 037X2 +0. 280X3 +0. 014X1 X2 - 0. 022X1 X3 + 0. 018X2 X3 - 0.057X12 + 0. 001X22 - 0. 053X32 和Y =87. 206+2. 802X1 -0. 279X2 +1. 115X3 +0.180X1 X2 -0. 147X1 X3 +0. 396X2 X3 -0. 525X12 -0. 137X22 -0. 275X32 ;据此计算出最优精油含量为2.  22%,对应的N、P 和K 的每盆施用量分别为3. 52、5. 00 和2. 76 g;最优芳樟醇相对含量为95. 18%,对应的N、P 和K 的每盆施用量分别为2. 84、5. 00 和4. 87 g。研究结果显示:N 施用量对芳樟叶精油含量和芳樟醇相对含量的影响最大,最优精油含量和最优芳樟醇相对含量对应的施肥配比不完全相同,在生产中应根据生产目的并综合考虑各种环境因素确定合适的N、P 和K 施肥配比。



In order to discuss influence of different fertilizer treatments on contents of essential oil and its main composition linalool in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita., essential oil content and linalool relative content in leaves of one-year-old cutting seedlings of C. camphora var. linaloolifera under different fertilizer conditions of N, P and K were tested by quadratic regression orthogonal rotational combination design with three factors and the mathematical models were established. And the optimal solution was obtained by mean of the established regression equation to determine the optimal fertilizer ratio. The results show that effect of different fertilizer treatments on essential oil content and linalool relative content are extremely significant, the mass ratio of essential oil is 1. 53% -2. 30%,while linalool relative content is 88. 36% -94. 87%. The significance analysis result shows that fertilizer amount of N and K have extremely significant and significant effects on essential oil content, respectively, while fertilizer amount of N has significant effect on linalool relative content but fertilizer amount of K has no significant effect on it, and fertilizer amount of P has no significant effect on both essential oil content and linalool relative content. The regression equations of the established mathematical models of essential oil content and linalool relative content with fertilizer amounts of N, P and K are Y =1. 054+0. 392X1 -0. 037X2 +0. 280X3 +0. 014X1 X2 - 0. 022X1 X3 + 0. 018X2 X3 - 0.057X12 + 0. 001X22 - 0. 053X32 and Y =87. 206+2. 802X1 -0. 279X2 +1. 115X3 +0.180X1 X2 -0. 147X1 X3 +0. 396X2 X3 -0. 525X12 -0. 137X22 -0. 275X32, respectively. According to the regression equations, the calculated optimal content of essential oil is 2. 22%, and the corresponding fertilizer amount per pot for N, P and K is 3. 52, 5. 00and 2. 76 g, respectively; the optimal linalool relative content is 95. 18%, and the corresponding fertilizer amount per pot of N, P and K is 2. 84, 5. 00 and 4. 87 g, respectively. It is suggested that the influence ability of N fertilizer amount on essential oil content and linalool relative content of C. camphora var. linaloolifera is the biggest. The corresponding fertilizer ratio to the optimal essential oil content and the optimal linalool relative content are not exactly same, in the production practice, it should be based on production purpose and considered all environmental factors to determine the suitable fertilizer ratio of N, P and K.

关键词芳樟; 施肥处理; 叶精油; 芳樟醇; 三元二次回归正交旋转组合设计
Key wordsCinnamomum camphora var. linaloolifera Fujita.; fertilizer treatment; essential oil in leaf; linalool; quadratic regression orthogonal rotational combination design with three factors
作者于静波, 张国防, 李左荣, 冯娟
所在单位福建农林大学林学院, 福建福州350002