2025年1月19日 星期日
Relationship between geographical distribution of Schima superba , its forest and climate in
1996年 第5卷 第3期 页码[28-34]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

在广泛收集木荷 ( Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. )及木荷林地理分布资料的基础上 ,用目前国际上比较流行的研究植被 -气候相互关系的指标和方法 ,包括 Kira的水热指标 , Penman的公式 , Thornthw aite的指标和气候分类 , Holdridge的生命地带分类系统指标 ,以及单一气象因子年平均气温年降水量等 ,分析研究了木荷及木荷林在中国的分布与气候的关系 ,讨论了木荷分
下限以及北界的 Kira热量指标状况 ,并利用 Holdridge生命地带分类系统指标预测了未来气候变化条件下中国木荷及木荷林分布区的可能变化


Based on the records of geographical distribution of Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. and its forest collected extensively,the international prevalent indices and methods of vegetationclimate interaction were used and calculated. These indices include Kiras water-temperature indexes,  Penmans formula, Thornthwaites indexes and climatic classification, Holdridges life zone classification system, single meteorological factors on temperature, precipitation and so on. The relationship betw een geographical distribution of S. superba , its forest and climate in China has been analyzed and the Kiras water-tem perature indexes on the distributional upper limit, lower limit and north limit have been discussed. The potential change of this tree species distributional area has been forecasted under future climatic changes using Holdridges indexes of life zone classification system and GCMs conclusions.

关键词植被 -气候关系; 木荷及木荷林; 地理分布; 气候指标; 全球变化
Key wordsRelationship between geographical distribution of Schima superba , its forest and climate in China
作者倪 健
所在单位中国科学院植物研究所 ,北京 100093