摘要 | 深圳大鹏半岛有野生种子植物158科565属952种,其中裸子植物5科5属6种;被子植物153科560属946种。该区域的森林植被可分为2个植被型6个群系,并对代表类群进行了描述。统计结果表明,该区域内有药用植物636种、观赏植物256种、蜜源植物102种、野生果树86种、纤维植物80种、油脂植物50种、芳香植物42种、有毒植物30种、单宁植物28种、淀粉植物21种、农药植物20种、染料植物12种。在对深圳大鹏半岛森林植被调查的基础上,对其资源特点进行了分析,并对其开发利用和保护提出了建议 . |
Abstract | The spermatophyte flora of Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen City consists of 952species, 565generaand 158families.Of which, 6gymnosperm species belong to 5genera, 5families and 946 angiosperm species belong to 560genera, 153 families.The subtropical forest vegetation of Depeng Peninsula could be classified into 2vegetation types, 6formations, and its typical communities were described. The statistic result shows that there are about 636 medicinal plants, 256 ornamental plants, 102 nectariferous plants, 80 fibrous plants, 86 fruit trees, 50oil-bearing plants, 42aromatic plants, 30poisonous plants, 28tannic plants, 21starch plants, 20pesticide plants and 12dyestuff plants. Based on vegetation investigation of Dapeng Peninsula, the characteristics of spermatophyte resources are analyzed and suggestion about its sustainable utilization and conservation is put forward. |
关键词 | 大鹏半岛; 植被; 种子植物资源 |
Key words | Dapeng Peninsula; vegetation; spermatophyte resources |
作者 | 张永夏1,胡学强2,陈洪锋3,邢福武3 |
所在单位 | 1.深圳大学生命科学学院,广东深圳518060; 2.深圳市城市绿化管理处,广东深圳518029; 3.中国科学院华南植物园,广东广州510520 |
点击量 | 1217 |
下载次数 | 994 |
基金项目 | 香港嘉道理农场生物多样性基金资助项目; |