2024年10月23日 星期三
Characteristics of bryophyte flora of Yuexi County in Anhui Province
2022年 第31卷 第5期 页码[81-91]    下载全文[0.9MB]  



Based on field investigation and specimen identification, a bryophyte list of Yuexi County was obtained; the geographical component of bryophytes in this area was divided, and by comparing with other nine adjacent areas, the floristic characteristics of bryophytes in this area were analyzed. The results show that there are 313 species of bryophytes belonging to 139 genera of 67 families in Yuexi County, including 2 species of hornworts belonging to 2 genera of 2 families, 79 species of liverworts  belonging to 37 genera of 26 families, and 232 species of mosses belonging to 100 genera of 39 families; there are 3 newly recorded genera and 11 newly recorded species of bryophytes in Anhui Province; there are 10 dominant families and 11 dominant genera. The analysis result of geographical components shows that Yuexi county is mainly temperate component (accounting for 45.1%), followed by East Asian component (accounting for 38.4%), which is characterized by a higher proportion of East Asian component and the temperate component being higher than the tropical component. Compared with other nine adjacent areas, the bryophytes of Yuexi County has the highest flora similarity with that of West Tianmu Mountain in East China, and has the lowest flora similarity with that of Pangquangou Nature Reserve in North China. The result of cluster analysis shows that the geographical component of bryophytes in Yuexi County has the highest similarity with that of Qizimei Mountain National Nature Reserve in Central China, and has the lowest similarity with that of Yuntai Mountain in North China. Taken together, the bryophyte species in Yuexi County are relatively abundant, and the result of floristic similarity supports the attribution of this region to East China; meanwhile, the bryophytes in Yuexi County are closely related to the bryophytes in East China and Central China, and have obvious transition, therefore, it is reasonable to take Yuexi County as the transition zone between East China and Central China.

关键词苔藓植物; 植物区系; 地理成分; 区系过渡; 岳西县
Key wordsbryophyte; flora; geographical component; floristic transition; Yuexi County
作者程慧, 陶靖文, 张慧, 师雪芹
所在单位安徽师范大学生命科学学院 生物环境与生态安全安徽省重点实验室, 安徽 芜湖 241000