摘要 | 以2年生‘红叶’南天竹(Nandina domestica ‘Hongye’)盆栽苗为实验材料,根据L16(45)正交实验设计进行3因素(包括氮、磷和钾肥)4水平(N单株施用量分别为0.0、18.4、36.8和55.2 mg,P2O5单株施用量分别为0.0、14.4、28.8和43.2 mg,K2O单株施用量分别为0.0、0.8、1.6和2.4 mg)施肥实验,对2015年11月5日至2016年1月20日期间各组叶片的光合色素(包括叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素)、花色素苷和可溶性糖含量进行了比较;在此基础上,对叶片色素和可溶性糖含量及各肥料单株施用量进行了Pearson相关性分析。结果表明:总体来看,各组的光合色素和可溶性糖含量显著高于对照(N、P2O5和K2O单株施用量均为0.0 mg)组,而花色素苷含量则显著低于对照组。其中,T14(N、P2O5和K2O单株施用量分别为55.2、14.4和1.6 mg)、T15(N、P2O5和K2O单株施用量分别为55.2、28.8和0.8 mg)和T16(N、P2O5和K2O单株施用量分别为55.2、43.2和0.0 mg)组的光合色素含量均较高,T2(N、P2O5和K2O单株施用量分别为0.0、14.4和0.8 mg)、T3(N、P2O5和K2O单株施用量分别为0.0、28.8和1.6 mg)和T4(N、P2O5和K2O单株施用量分别为0.0、43.2和2.4 mg)组的花色素苷含量均较高,T3和T4组的可溶性糖含量均较低。极差分析结果表明:N单株施用量对光合色素含量的影响最大,K2O单株施用量的影响最小;N单株施用量对花色素苷和可溶性糖含量的影响最大,P2O5单株施用量的影响最小。相关性分析结果表明:N单株施用量与各光合色素含量呈极显著正相关,与可溶性糖含量呈显著正相关,与花色素苷含量呈极显著负相关;而P2O5和K2O单株施用量与上述指标的相关性均不显著。各光合色素含量间存在极显著正相关,并与可溶性糖含量呈显著正相关,与花色素苷含量呈极显著负相关。此外,花色素苷含量与可溶性糖含量呈显著负相关。研究结果显示:高氮能够延长‘红叶’南天竹的绿叶期,低氮能够促进其叶片呈现红色,因此,在园林栽培过程中应根据实际需要施肥。 |
Abstract | Taking two-year-old pot seedlings of Nandina domestica ‘Hongye’ as experimental materials, fertilization experiment with three factors (including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers) and four levels (N applying amount per plant of 0.0, 18.4, 36.8, and 55.2 mg, respectively, P2O5 applying amount per plant of 0.0, 14.4, 28.8, and 43.2 mg, respectively, K2O applying amount per plant of 0.0, 0.8, 1.6, and 2.4 mg, respectively) was set up according to L16(45) orthogonal experimental design. Contents of photosynthetic pigments (including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoid), anthocyanin, and soluble sugar in leaf of each group during period from 5th November, 2015 to 20th January, 2016 were compared. On this basis, Pearson correlation analysis on contents of pigments and soluble sugar, and applying amount per plant of different fertilizers were analyzed. The results show that on the whole, photosynthetic pigment and soluble sugar contents of each group are significantly higher than those of the control (all N, P2O5, and K2O applying amount per plant of 0.0 mg) group, while anthocyanin content is significantly lower than that of the control group. In which, photosynthetic pigment contents of T14 (N, P2O5, and K2O applying amount per plant of 55.2, 14.4, and 1.6 mg, respectively), T15 (N, P2O5, and K2O applying amount per plant of 55.2, 28.8, and 0.8 mg, respectively), and T16 (N, P2O5, and K2O applying amount per plant of 55.2, 43.2, and 0.0 mg, respectively) groups are higher, anthocyanin contents of T2 (N, P2O5, and K2O applying amount per plant of 0.0, 14.4, and 0.8 mg, respectively), T3 (N, P2O5, and K2O applying amount per plant of 0.0, 28.8, and 1.6 mg, respectively), and T4 (N,P2O5, and K2O applying amount per plant of 0.0, 43.2, and 2.4 mg, respectively) groups are higher, soluble sugar contents of T3 and T4 groups are lower. The range analysis result shows that the effect of N applying amount per plant on photosynthetic pigment contents is the largest, and that of K2O applying amount per plant is the smallest. The effects of N applying amount per plant on anthocyanin and soluble sugar contents are the largest, and those of P2O5 applying amount per plant are the smallest. The correlation analysis results show that there are extremely significantly positive correlations of N applying amount per plant with photosynthetic pigment contents, and a significantly positive correlation with soluble sugar content, and an extremely significantly negative correlation with anthocyanin content; while correlations of P2O5 and K2O applying amount per plant with the above indexes are not significant. There are extremely significantly positive correlations among photosynthetic pigment contents, and there are significantly positive correlations of them with soluble sugar content, and extremely significantly negative correlations with anthocyanin content. Otherwise, there is a significantly negative correlation of anthocyanin content with soluble sugar content. It is suggested that high nitrogen can prolong the green leaf stage of N. domestica ‘Hongye’, while low nitrogen can promote its leaf to appear red, therefore, during process of garden cultivation, fertilizers should be applied according to actual needs. |
关键词 | ‘红叶’南天竹; 氮、磷、钾肥配施; 光合色素; 花色素苷; 可溶性糖; 相关性分析 |
Key words | Nandina domestica ‘Hongye’; combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers; photosynthetic pigment; anthocyanin; soluble sugar; correlation analysis |
作者 | 孙泽晨, 任文, 潘远智, 于伟, 刘加文 |
所在单位 | 四川农业大学风景园林学院, 四川 成都 611130 |
点击量 | 2169 |
下载次数 | 1049 |
基金项目 | 四川省学术和技术带头人培养项目 |