2025年1月16日 星期四
GC-MS analysis on components of essential oil from fresh flowers of tropical water lily
2017年 第26卷 第4期 页码[104-106]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

Chemical components and relative contents of essential oil from fresh flowers of three tropical water lily were identified and analyzed by using GC-MS. The results show that 25, 23, and 25 compounds are identified in essential oil from fresh flowers of cultivar ‘Ruby’ and ‘Daubeniana’, and Nymphaea caerulea Savigny, respectively; there are eight identical components, in which, the relative content of 8-hexadecyne is the highest (above 30.00%). Alkyne, alkane, alkene, alcohol, and ketone compounds are the dominant component, in which, relative contents of alkyne compounds are the highest in essential oil from fresh flowers of cultivar ‘Ruby’ and N. caerulea (33.62% and 37.28%, respectively), while that of alkane compounds is the highest in cultivar ‘Daubeniana’ (33.91%).

关键词热带睡莲鲜花; 挥发油; 芳香成分; GC-MS分析
Key wordsfresh flower of tropical water lily; essential oil; aroma component; GC-MS analysis
作者石凝, 刘晓静, 杜凤凤, 常雅军, 李乃伟, 姚东瑞
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏 南京 210014