2025年3月12日 星期三
Analysis of contents of poly-phenolic active ingredients and antioxidant activities in fruits of Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.f .)Nakai
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[57-58]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

T he contents of total phenolics, flavonoid and chlo rogenic acid in two types of sand pear fruits Pyrus pyrifolia
(Burm .f .)N akai], and antioxidant activities in its juice were analysed.
The results show ed that the contents of total
phenolics and flavo noid in fruit of black sand pear were hig her than that of red sand pear fruit obviously
, but chlorogenic acid contents were not different in tw o ty pes of sand pear fruit .The CI50 of scavenging ·OH of their juice were 30 .6 μL and 69.5 μL respectively .And their juice could inhibit lipid pero xidation significantly in brain and liver homogenates of rat .These implied that sand pear fruits have large quantity of antiox idant matters and w ere wor thy to be further researched .

关键词沙梨; 果实; 多酚; 羟自由基; 抗氧化作用
Key wordsPy rus py ri folia (Burm .f .)Nakai; fruit; poly-phenolics; hy dro xyl radical (·OH); antioxidation
作者史国安 郭香凤 张国海 张益民
所在单位洛阳农业高等专科学校, 洛阳 471003