2024年10月23日 星期三
Effects of different cultivation measures on growth and physiology of container seedling of Paeonia ostii
2016年 第25卷 第4期 页码[68-75]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

分别采用不同基质配比(即泥炭和珍珠岩体积比分别为 1︰0、2︰1 和 3︰1)、不同促侧根措施(包括主根截短和200 mg· L-1 IBA 溶液灌根单一措施以及上述 2 种单一措施的复合措施)和不同栽培容器(包括穴盘、营养钵和无纺布育苗袋)对凤丹(Paeonia ostii T. Hong et J. X. Zhang)容器苗进行培育,分析了容器苗的形态指标、单株质量、根冠比及部分生理指标的差异,并在此基础上筛选出适宜凤丹容器苗培育的栽培措施。 分析结果表明:在泥炭-珍珠岩(体积比 3︰1)混合基质中,凤丹容器苗的单株侧根数、单株地下部鲜质量和干质量、根冠比以及叶片的总叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量和含水量均显著高于其他基质。 采取主根截短单一措施或复合措施后,容器苗的单株叶面积、 单株侧根数、 单株地下部鲜质量和干质量、 根冠比及叶片含水量均显著高于对照(不做任何处理)和采取 200mg· L-1 IBA 溶液灌根单一措施的容器苗,其中,采取复合措施的容器苗大部分指标最高。 在无纺布育苗袋和营养钵中栽培的容器苗的株高、根颈直径、单株侧根数以及叶片的总叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量和含水量显著高于在穴盘中栽培的容器苗;其中,在无纺布育苗袋中栽培的容器苗的单株侧根数以及叶片的总叶绿素含量和含水量均最高,且这 3 个指标显著高于在营养钵中栽培的容器苗。 研究结果显示:不同栽培措施对凤丹容器苗的生长及生理均有一定影响,总体上看,对根系的单株侧根数、主根长、地下部质量和根冠比以及叶片的叶面积、总叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量和含水量的影响均较大。 根据实验结果,初步筛选出适宜凤丹容器苗培育的栽培措施,即用无纺布育苗袋,以泥炭-珍珠岩(体积比 3︰1)混合基质为栽培基质,实施主根截短和 200 mg· L-1 IBA 溶液灌根复合措施。


Container seedlings of Paeonia ostii T. Hong et J. X. Zhang were cultivated in different substrate ratios (i. e. volume ratio of peat and perlite of 1︰0, 2︰1 and 3︰1, respectively), treated by different measures for lateral root promoting (including single measures of main root shortened by cuttingand irrigating root by 200 mg· L-1 IBA solution and combined measure of above two single measures) and cultivated in different culture containers ( including tray, nutrition pot and non-woven bag ),respectively. Differences in morphological indexes, weight per plant, root / shoot ratio and some physiological indexes of container seedling were analyzed, and on this basis, cultivation measures suitable for cultivation of container seedling of P. ostii were screened. The analysis results show that in peat-perlite mixed substrate with volume ratio of 3︰1, lateral root number per plant, fresh and dry weights of under-ground part per plant, root / shoot ratio and contents of total chlorophyll, soluble sugar and water in leaf of container seedling of P. ostii all are significantly higher than those in other substrates. Either treated by single measure of main root shortened by cutting or by combined measure, leaf area per plant, lateral root number per plant, fresh and dry weights of under-ground part per plant, root / shoot ratio and water content in leaf of container seedling all are significantly higher than those of container seedling of the control (no treating) and treated by single measure of irrigating root by 200 mg· L-1 IBA solution, in which, most indexes of container seedling treated by combined measure are the highest. Plant height, collar diameter, lateral root number per plant, and contents of total chlorophyll, soluble sugar and water in leaf of container seedling cultivated in non-woven bag and nutrition pot all are significantly higher than those of container seedling cultivated in tray, in which, lateral root number per plant, contents of total chlorophyll and water in leaf of container seedling cultivated in non-woven bag are the highest, and these three indexes are significantly higher than those of container seedling cultivated in nutrition pot. It is suggested that there is a certain effect of different cultivation measures on growth and physiology of container seedling of P. ostii, on the whole, effects on lateral root number per plant, main root length, weight of under-ground part, root / shoot ratio, leaf area, contents of total chlorophyll, soluble sugar and water in leaf all are greater. According to the experimental results, cultivation measure suitable for cultivation of container seedling of P. ostii is selected preliminarily, that is, using non-woven bag, taking peat-perlite mixed substrate with volume ratio of 3 ︰1 as cultivation substrate, and practicing combined measure of main root shortened by cutting with irrigating root by 200 mg· L-1 IBA solution.

关键词凤丹; 基质配比; 促侧根措施; 栽培容器; 生长和生理; 根系发育
Key wordsPaeonia ostii Paeonia ostii T. Hong et J. X. Zhang; substrate ratio; measure for lateral root promoting; culture container; growth and physiology; root development
作者祝有为1, 言燕华2, 韦武青3, 杜嘉1, 郭摇 源1, 徐迎春1
所在单位1. 南京农业大学园艺学院, 江苏 南京 210095;
2. 镇江市润州区林业茶果指导站, 江苏 镇江 212000;
3. 镇江市福农园艺有限公司, 江苏 镇江 212021