2025年3月13日 星期四
Bark regeneration of Cinnamomum cassia Presl after ringing
1997年 第6卷 第3期 页码[1-7]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

5 年生肉桂树(Cinnamomum cassia Presl)采用茎干大面积环剥(剥皮长度 1.0 1.5 m , 主干长度 80 %以上)、药剂处理(喷洒桂皮再生剂”)和透明塑料薄膜包裹方法, 80%以上植株剥皮后能在原位再生新皮并产生与原皮相似的结构再生皮表面较粗糙, 皮孔外突, 比原皮明显增厚横切面上可见再生皮有两条较宽的木栓带和一条连续成带状的中柱鞘石细胞群3 年生再生皮韧皮部油细胞分布较多, 桂油和桂皮醛含量(分别为 0.9 %0.078%)均超过 6 年生原皮3 年生再生皮在形态上和生理上已经成熟, 可再次环剥和再生由于剥皮不砍树, 随着树体长粗和增高, 实现桂皮增产, 有利于肉桂植物资源的持续利用和经济效益的提高


By means of large scale ringing (1 .0 1 .5 m leng th , w hich accounts for more than 80 %of the trunk length), treatment with Bark Regeneration Liquidand wrapping up with plastic film , new bark of 80 %ringed Chinese cassia tree (Cinnamomum cassia Presl)can be regenerated .The structure of 3 year regenerated bark is thicker than the natural bark with similar structure to the later , obvious lenticel at the surface and two wider phellem layers and continuous pericyclic sclereid band are present in the bark .Comparing to the 6 year natural bark , the contents of cinnamon oil (0 .9 %)and cinnamaldehyde (0 .078 %)are higher .Bark regeneration can be occured after repeated ringing without cutting tree and higher bark product can be obtained .

关键词肉桂; 环状剥皮; 新皮再生; 桂油; 桂皮醛;
Key wordsCinnamomum cassia Presl; ringing; bark regeneration; cinnamon oil; cinnamaldehyde
作者梁 红, 蔡业统
所在单位仲恺农业技术学院, 广州 510225