2025年3月13日 星期四
Investigation and production on the type R-A steviosides
1996年 第5卷 第4期 页码[29-32]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

以甜菊 ( Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)的干叶为原料生产的甜菊糖甙是一种食用天然甜味剂提高甜菊糖甙 ( Steviosides)中优质甜味成分 R-A(甜菊 A3: Rebaudioside A)的含量比例是生产中急待解决的课题本文以 R-A型和 St (甜菊甙 Stevioside)型甜菊叶为原料 ,采用 AB两种方法进行甜菊糖甙的提取 ,通过 B法获得 R-A含量比例高的甜菊糖甙即 R-A型甜菊糖甙 ,为甜菊糖


Steviosides made from air-dried leaves o f Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a edible natural no n-toxic and low calo rie sw eetener. Increasing the percentag e of R-A ( Rebaudio side A) in steviosides is a pressing pro blem in production. Two methods ( A and B) for the extraction of steviosides from type St ( Stevioside) and type R-A plant materials were investigated. The results showed that the good quality steviosides containing high percentage of R-A can be produced by only process B. It will provide a new way and new technological method for improving quality of steviosides production.

关键词甜菊; 甜菊糖甙; R-A型甜菊糖甙; 甜菊加工
Key wordsStevia rebaudiana Bertoni; steviosides; type R-A ( Rebaudio side A) of steviosides; stevia processing
作者黄应森 ,郭爱桂
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014