2025年2月12日 星期三
The effects of elevated concentration of carbon dioxide on plants
1993年 第2卷 第2期 页码[55-61]    下载全文[0.8MB]  



Changes in the atmospheric concentration of CO, has brought about great concern. It was noticed that the global concentration of CO2, would steadly increase and it was further predicted that the concentration might reach 700 ppm by the middle of next century. Some initial studies indicated that an elevation of this gas would seriously enhance plant growth. For most species in a high-CO2 environment, seeds germination percentage higher, seedlings grew faster, leaf area became larger, number of roots increased, stomata1 number reduced, growth rings of stems became wider. flowering turned earlier and seed yield increased comparing with the condition in ambient air. Nevertheless, elevated CO2 will not necessarily benefit plants. The excess accumulation of starch in the chloroplasts and unequilibium of mineral recycling resulting from a CO2-rich world will slow down plants growth rate or turn it negative over time. In addition, dramatic changes in the growing rhythm of individual plant will lead some increasing populations to decreasing populations. The outgrowth of C3 grasses will disproportionately cause agricultural crops less productive ; Continuing changes in the structure and composition of communities will alter the existence of some species, rendering them vulnerable to extinction. Increasing C/N ratio of plant residue will also lessen ecosystem productivity. Therefore, it is essential to further studies for assessing the effects of elevated CO2 on plants.

关键词CO2浓度; 植物;
Key wordsCO2 concentration; plants
作者林金星, 胡玉熹 ,白克智
所在单位中国科学院植物研究 所 , 北京 100044