2024年9月13日 星期五
Study on root system biomass production of natural regenerated Sassafras tsumu trees
2003年 第12卷 第3期 页码[31-35]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

通过对样木的测定,运用幂函数、线性以及多元回归等模型进行拟合,研究了福建省建阳市天然更新的檫木〔Sassafras tsumu (Hemsl.) Hemsl.〕林根系部分生物量同地上部分各因子的相关性。结果表明:檫木林根系生物量与地上部分、全树、枝条及枝干等各部分的生物量呈显著的相关关系;除细根外,粗根、根蔸和全部根系的生物量与胸径、树高之间大都存在极显著的相关性。对于天然更新的檫木林而言,采用W=aDαHβ模型进行拟合,结果精度更高。


Correlation between biomass production of root system and every factor of above-ground parts in the natural regenerated Sassafras tsumu ( Hemsl. )Hemsl. forest was studied in Jianyang of Fujian Province by investigating sample trees and different regression models.The results show that the significant correlation exists between biomass in root system and above-ground part, tree, branch and track of S . tsumu forest. Biomass of coarse roots, stake and total root system has a significant relationship with the tree height and DBH except fine roots. To the natural regenerated S . tsumu forest, regression model W =aDαHβ has a higher accuracy than other models.

关键词檫木; 根系生物量; 拟合;
Key wordsSassafras tsumu ( Hemsl. )Hemsl.; root system biomass; regression
作者朱 慧1 , 洪 伟1 , 吴承祯1 , 柳 江2 , 何东进1
所在单位1.福建农林大学林学院, 福建 南平 353001;
2.中国科学院华南植物研究所, 广东 广州 510650