2024年12月17日 星期二
不同培养基对杜氏藻(Dunaliella salina)生长和无机离子含量的影响
Effect of various mediums on the growth and inorganic ions accumulation of Dunaliella salina
1994年 第3卷 第3期 页码[41-44]    下载全文[0.5MB]  



The change of growth rate and inorganic ions accumulation of Dunaliella salina cultured in various mediums were studied. For the growth of Dunaliella salina , it has been shown that Johnson solution containing 0. 3% NaCl gives the best result, Johnson solution and brine come next, sea water gives worse result. The concentration range of NaCl for the growth of this algae is 0 % - I 2 % , the cells almost not increase if over 12 % and even decrease slightly. Different accumulations of inorganic ions present in Dunaliella salina cells cultured in various mediums.

关键词杜氏藻; 生长; 无机离子; NaCl;
Key wordsDunaliella salina; cell growth; inorganic ions accumulation; NaCl
作者吕芝香, 汪杏芬 ,成 玮
所在单位南 京大学 生 物系 , 南京 2 1 0 09 3