2024年10月23日 星期三
On seasonal changes of the total saponins in Chinese traditional crude drug Chaihu
1997年 第6卷 第1期 页码[60-61]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

Bupleurum chinense DC .and B .scorzonerifolium Willd are main species of Chinese traditional crude drug Chaihu. B . angustissimum (F ranch .)Kitagawa and B .sibiricum Vest are also locally used as Chaihu .The quantitative changes of the total saponins in the 4 plants are analyzed by TLC scanning method.T he results show that the contents of the total saponins of B .chinense and B . scorzonerifolium in autumn are a little to much higher than that in spring. Therefore a primary conclusion might be obtained that the best season for collecting Chaihu materials is in autumn.  Simultaneously the contents of the total sapo nins in B .angustissimum and B. sibiricum are obviously lower than that in B .chinense and B .scorzonerifolium , so selecting species with high content of saponins is one of the important factors for raising medicinal effect of Chaihu .

关键词中药柴胡; 北柴胡; 红柴胡; 皂甙含量; 季节变化
Key wordsChaihu; Bupleurum chinense; B .scorzonerifolium; total saponins; seasonal changes
作者潘泽惠 ,庄体德, 周雪林 ,林 湘
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014
黑龙江双鸭山矿务局师范学校, 双鸭山 155125