摘要 | 采用样方法对苏南山区分布的处于濒危的国家二级重点保护野生植物香果树(Emmenopterys henryi Oliv.)群落特征进行调查与分析。结果表明:在5个斑块面积合计1 600 m2的样方中共有维管植物45科65属72种,其中,人为干扰较轻的Q1、Q5和Q4斑块中分别有26科32属33种、21科25属25种、19科21属22种,人为干扰较强的Q2和Q3斑块中分别有20科25属26种、18科21属21种。总体上看,香果树群落的物种组成较为丰富,但不同斑块间存在一定差异。根据重要值,在Q1、Q4和Q5斑块中香果树为乔木层优势种,而在Q2和Q3斑块中为亚优势种。不同斑块香果树群落的物种多样性存在明显差异,其物种数量从大到小依次为Q1斑块、Q2斑块、Q5斑块、Q4斑块、Q3斑块。不同群落层次的物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数、Simpson生态优势度指数和Pielou群落均匀度指数总体呈现为草本层最高,灌木层次之,乔木层最低。研究结果认为:人为干扰降低了部分斑块香果树群落的物种多样性,但对其群落结构影响较小,建议进行人为森林抚育和砍伐部分缠绕香果树的木质藤本植物以保护香果树群落。
Abstract | Survey and analysis on community characteristics of Emmenopterys henryi Oliv., an endangered species ranked as national key protected wild plants of the second class, were conducted by plot method in the mountainous area of southern Jiangsu. The results show that there are 72 species of vascular plants in 65 genera belonging to 45 families with total quadrat area of 1 600 m2 in five patches, in which, there are 33 species in 32 genera belonging to 26 families, 25 species in 25 genera belonging to 21 families, and 22 species in 21 genera belonging to 19 families, respectively in Q1, Q5, and Q4 patches suffered by slight human disturbance, and there are 26 species in 25 genera belonging to 20 families and 21 species in 21 genera belonging to 18 families, respectively in Q2 and Q3 patches suffered by strong human disturbance. Overall, species composition of E. henryi communities is relatively rich, but exists some differences in different patches. According to important value, E. henryi is dominant species in arbor layer in Q1, Q4, and Q5 patches, and is subdominant species in Q2 and Q3 patches. There are large differences in species diversity of E. henryi communities in different patches, and their species number from large to small is Q1 patch, Q2 patch, Q5 patch, Q4 patch, Q3 patch. Species richness index, Shannon-Wiener species diversity index, Simpson ecological dominance index, and Pielou community evenness index of different community layers are generally as follows: the herb layer is the highest, the shrub layer takes the second place, and the arbor layer is the lowest. It is suggested that human disturbance reduces species diversity of E. henryi communities in some patches, but has a little effect on community structure. Artificial forest tending and lopping woody liana enwound around E. henryi are recommended to protect E. henryi communities. |
关键词 | 香果树; 物种组成; 群落特征; 物种多样性; 斑块 |
Key words | Emmenopterys henryi Oliv.; species composition; community characteristics; species diversity; patch |
作者 | 彭仙丽1, 李莉2, 张光富1, 任小杰2, 李倩1, 吴文霞1, 邱岚2, 王志华2 |
所在单位 | 1. 南京师范大学生命科学学院 江苏省生物多样性与生物技术重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210023;2. 江苏省溧阳市林业工作站, 江苏 溧阳 213300 |
点击量 | 2479 |
下载次数 | 1199 |
基金项目 | 江苏省林业三新工程项目(LYSX[2016]54); 江苏高校品牌专业建设工程资助项目(TAPP) |