摘要 | 以未治理(P1)样地和风水林(P6)样地为对照,对福建省朱溪流域治理样地P2、P3、P4和P5(分别治理2、7、13和30 a)的土壤以及芒萁〔Dicranopteris dichotoma (Thunb.) Bernh.〕叶片、叶柄和地下部的全碳(C)、全氮(N)和全磷(P)含量以及C/N比、C/P比和N/P比进行了比较和分析。结果表明:总体上看,随着治理年限的增加,土壤的C和N含量以及C/P比和N/P比先下降后上升,P含量先上升后下降,C/N比波动变化;芒萁各器官的C含量变化不明显,N和P含量逐渐上升,C/N比和C/P比逐渐下降,N/P比先下降后上升。方差分析结果表明:多数治理样地土壤的6个指标与P1和P6样地差异不显著。多数治理样地芒萁各器官的C含量以及部分治理样地芒萁叶柄和地下部的N含量与P1和P6样地差异不显著,但多数治理样地芒萁叶片的N含量与P1和P6样地差异显著;多数治理样地芒萁叶片和叶柄的P含量显著高于P1样地,但与P6样地差异不显著,而4个治理样地芒萁地下部的P含量与P1和P6样地差异不显著;部分治理样地芒萁各器官的C/N比与P1和P6样地差异显著,而多数治理样地芒萁各器官的C/P比和N/P比与P1和P6样地差异不显著。相关性分析结果表明:芒萁叶片及叶柄的C含量与土壤各指标的相关性不显著,而其N和P含量与土壤部分指标的相关性显著;芒萁地下部C/N比和N/P比与土壤C和N含量的相关性显著或极显著,而芒萁地下部与土壤的其余指标的相关性不显著。综上所述,芒萁能够在南方红壤侵蚀区生长,可用于该区域生态恢复和水土流失治理,但该区域土壤严重缺磷,限制芒萁生长,因此,建议在芒萁生长区施加磷肥。 |
Abstract | Taking no governance (P1) and Fengshui forest (P6) plots as the control, contents of total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (P) and ratios of C/N, C/P and N/P in soil and blade, petiole and under-ground part of Dicranopteris dichotoma (Thunb.) Bernh. in governance plots of P2, P3, P4 and P5 (governance for 2, 7, 13 and 30 a, respectively) in Zhuxi River basin of Fujian Province were compared and analyzed. The results show that in general, with increase of governance years, contents of C and N and ratios of C/P and N/P in soil decrease at first and then increase, content of P increases at first and then decreases, and ratio of C/N has a fluctuation change; content of C in each organ of D. dichotoma changes unobviously, contents of N and P increase gradually, ratios of C/N and C/P decrease gradually, and ratio of N/P decreases at first and then increases. The variance analysis result shows that 6 indexes of soil in most governance plots have no significant difference with those in P1 and P6 plots. Content of C in each organ of D. dichotoma in most governance plots and content of N in petiole and underground part of D. dichotoma in partial governance plots have no significant difference with those in P1 and P6 plots, but content of N in blade of D. dichotoma in most governance plots has a significant difference with that in P1 and P6 plots. Content of P in blade and petiole of D. dichotoma in most governance plots is significantly higher than that in P1 plot, but has no significant difference with that in P6 plot, while that in underground part of D. dichotoma in 4 governance plots has no significant difference with that in P1 and P6 plots. Ratio of C/N in each organ of D. dichotoma in partial governance plots has a significant difference with that in P1 and P6 plots, while ratios of C/P and N/P in each organ of D. dichotoma in most governance plots have no significant difference with those in P1 and P6 plots. The correlation analysis result shows that the correlation of content of C in blade and petiole of D. dichotoma with each index of soil is not significant, while the correlations of their contents of N and P with partial indexes of soil are significant. The correlations of ratios of C/N and N/P in underground part of D. dichotoma with contents of C and N in soil are significant or extremely significant, while those of other indexes between under-ground part of D. dichotoma and soil are not significant. Overall, D. dichotoma can grow in red soil erosion area of south China, and can be used for ecological restoration and soil and water loss governance of this area, but the phosphorus deficiency of this area soil is serious, which restricts the growth of D. dichotoma, thus, it is recommended to apply phosphorus fertilizer in D. dichotoma growth area. |
关键词 | 南方红壤侵蚀区; 芒萁; 土壤; 生态化学计量特征; 方差分析; 相关性分析 |
Key words | red soil erosion area of south China; Dicranopteris dichotoma (Thunb.) Bernh.; soil; ecological stoichiometric characteristics; variance analysis; correlation analysis |
作者 | 冯柳俊, 陈志强, 陈志彪, 潘宗涛, 张巧玲 |
所在单位 | 福建师范大学地理科学学院 湿润亚热带山地生态国家重点实验室培育基地, 福建 福州 350007 |
点击量 | 2227 |
下载次数 | 1133 |
基金项目 | 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2017J01462) |