2025年3月14日 星期五
Variation and cluster analyses of morphological characters and nutrient content of Quercus acutissima seed from different provenances
2009年 第18卷 第1期 页码[36-41]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

以27个种源的麻栎(Quercus acutissima Carr.)种子为实验材料,对不同种源间麻栎种子的形态特征和营养成分含量的差异性进行分析比较。结果表明,不同种源间麻栎种子的长度、宽度和种子百粒重以及可溶性糖含量、淀粉含量和蛋白质含量差异极显著。麻栎种子的长度和宽度的变化幅度分别为1.69~2.26 cm和1.06~2.50 cm;种子百粒重的变化幅度为83.55~637.38 g;种子可溶性糖含量、淀粉含量和蛋白质含量的变化幅度分别为0.051~0.105 mg.g-1、0.278%~0.471%和21.502~34.696 mg.g-1。麻栎种子百粒重与种子的长度、宽度及可溶性糖含量间显著正相关,种子的长度与可溶性糖含量也显著正相关。主成分分析结果显示,影响麻栎种子品质的主要性状是种子的长度、宽度及种子百粒重。通过聚类分析,将27个麻栎种源划分为3组,其中第1组包括江苏下蜀、安徽太湖、安徽黄山、安徽休宁、安徽滁州、安徽潜山、浙江开化、浙江富阳和山东蒙阴等9个种源,种子品质较好,为优良种源。 


Seed morphological characters and nutrient content of Quercus acutissima Carr.from twenty-seven provenances were analyzed. The results show that there are highly significant differences in seed length, seed width,  100-seed weight and contents of soluble sugar, starch and protein of Q. acutissima seeds. The length and width of seeds are 1.69- 2.26 cm and 1.06- 2.50 cm, respectively. The 100- seed weightis 83.55- 637.38g. And the contents of soluble sugar, starch and protein are 0.051-0.105mg·g- 1, 0. 278%- 0. 471% and 21. 502- 34. 696mg·g- 1, respectively. The 100-seed weight has a significant positive correlation with length, width and soluble sugar content of seed, and seed length has a significant positive correlation with soluble sugar content. The result of principal component analysis indicates that seed length, seed width and 100-seed weight are the main determinant characters to seed quality of Q. acutissima. According to the results of cluster analysis, twenty-seven provenances of Q. acutissima can bedivided into three groups, in which the first group, including  Xiashu of Jiangsu, Taihu of Anhui, Huangshan of Anhui, Xiuning of Anhui, Chuzhou of Anhui, Qianshan of Anhui, Kaihua of Zhejiang, Fuyang of Zhejiang and Mengyin of Shandong, has good seed quality and is superior provenance.

关键词麻栎; 种源; 种子特征; 营养成分; 聚类分析;
Key wordsQuercus acutissima Carr.; provenance; seed character; nutrient; cluster analysis
所在单位1.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院,江苏南京210037; 2.中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所,浙江富阳311400
基金项目国家“948”项目(2005-4-44); 国家公益性行业科研专项(200704034); 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD03A160101); 江苏省普通高校研究生创新计划项目(2007);