2025年1月22日 星期三
The genetic variations of seedling traits among open-pollinated families of plus trees of Betula luminifera H.Winkl .
2001年 第10卷 第4期 页码[52-54]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

The seedling stage test on 55 open-pollinated families of plus trees of Betula luminifera H .Winkl.from Shaowu,
Nanping and Wuping in Fujian Province was carried out in State
-owned Forest Farm of Weimin, Shaowu.The genetic variations of Betula luminifera were studied, based on the investigation of 1-year-old seedling traits from different families.The results showed that there were abundant variations within the Betula luminifera and very significant differences among families in seedling height, diameter and lateral branch .The variations were mainly controlled by genetic factors.According to this analysis, 11 excellent families were tentatively selected, the average genetic gain of height and diameter were 18.72% and 10 .44% respectively .The selection effect was very striking.The Shaowu region was probably a superior genetic resource area of Betula luminifera.

关键词光皮桦; 自由授粉家系; 苗期性状; 遗传变异
Key wordsBetula luminifera H .Winkl.; open-pollinated family; seedling trait; genetic variation
作者郑仁华1, 杨宗武1, 肖石海2, 郑作孟3, 傅忠华1, 赵世荣3
所在单位1.福建省林业科学研究院, 国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室, 福建 福州 350012;
2.福建省林木种苗总站, 福建 福州 350003;
3.福建省邵武卫闽国有林场, 福建 邵武 354006