2025年3月12日 星期三
4 种秦艽属植物不同器官中4 种环烯醚萜苷成分含量的比较分析
Comparative analysis of contents of four iridoid glucosides in different organs of four species of Gentiana L.
2012年 第21卷 第1期 页码[58-63]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

利用HPLC 法测定了秦艽(Gentiana macrophylla Pall.)、粗茎秦艽(G. crassicaulis Duthie ex Burk.)、麻花秦艽(G. straminea Maxim.)和小秦艽(G. dahurica Fisch.)根、茎、叶和花中4 种环烯醚萜苷成分(包括马钱苷酸、獐牙菜苦苷、龙胆苦苷和獐牙菜苷)的含量,并对来源于不同产地秦艽和小秦艽不同器官4 种环烯醚萜苷成分的含量进行了比较。结果显示:4 种秦艽属植物不同器官4 种环烯醚萜苷成分含量差异明显,来源于3 个产地(陕西太白、甘肃西河乡和马狭)的秦艽和2 个产地(青海互助和陕西麟游)的小秦艽不同器官中4 种环烯醚萜苷含量也均具有明显差异。4 种秦艽属植物根、茎、叶和花中龙胆苦苷和马钱苷酸总量分别为质量分数5. 996% ~ 10. 869%、0. 310% ~4. 065%、0. 235% ~ 4. 138% 和0. 545% ~ 5. 591%;根中獐牙菜苦苷和獐牙菜苷的质量分数分别为0. 516% ~0. 953%和0. 042% ~0. 210%,茎中分别为0. 173% ~0. 383%和0. 031% ~1. 700%,叶中分别为0. 068% ~0. 684%和0. 020% ~3. 208%,花中分别为0. 460% ~0. 832%和0. 138% ~3. 827%。粗茎秦艽各器官龙胆苦苷和马钱苷酸总量均最高,小秦艽各器官龙胆苦苷和马钱苷酸总量均最低,总体上,秦艽和粗茎秦艽中龙胆苦苷和马钱苷酸总量高于小秦艽和麻花秦艽;小秦艽茎、叶和花中獐牙菜苷含量均最高,而秦艽茎和叶及粗茎秦艽花中獐牙菜苷含量均最低。4 种秦艽属植物根部龙胆苦苷和马钱苷酸含量均明显高于茎、叶和花,獐牙菜苦苷在根和花中的积累较多,獐牙菜苷在花中的含量均相对最高。产自青海互助的小秦艽茎、叶和花中獐牙菜苷含量均最高,质量分数分别为2.884%、5. 215%和7. 321%。研究结果表明:4 种环烯醚萜苷成分含量不但与植物种类和器官有关,而且与产地和采样时间也有关。


Contents of four iridoid glucosides (including loganic acid, swertiamarin, gentiopicroside and sweroside) in root, stem, leaf and flower of Gentiana macrophylla Pall., G. crassicaulis Duthie ex Burk., G. straminea Maxim. and G. dahurica Fisch. were determined by HPLC method. And those in different organs of G. macrophylla and G. dahurica from different locations were compared. The results show that contents of four iridoid glucosides have obvious difference in different organs among four species, and those in different organs of G. macrophylla from three locations (Taibai of Shaanxi Province, Xihe Village and Maxia of Gansu Province) and of G. dahurica from two locations (Huzhu of Qinghai Province and Linyou of Shaanxi Province) also have obvious difference. Sum content of gentiopicroside and loganic acid in root, stem, leaf and flower of four species are mass ratio of 5. 996% -10. 869%, 0. 310% - 4. 065%, 0. 235% -4. 138% and 0. 545% -5. 591%, respectively. And contents of swertiamarin and  sweroside in their roots are mass ratio of 0. 516% -0. 953% and 0. 042% - 0. 210%, those in their stem are 0. 173% -0. 383% and 0. 031% -1. 700%, those in their leaf are 0. 068% -0. 684% and 0. 020% -3. 208%,those in their flower are 0. 460% -0. 832% and 0. 138% -3. 827%, respectively. Sum content of gentiopicroside and loganic acid in different organs of G. crassicaulis all are the highest, while those of G. dahurica all are the lowest, and those in G. macrophylla and G. crassicaulis are generally higher than those in G. dahurica and G. straminea. Sweroside content in stem, leaf and flower of G. dahurica is the highest, while that in stem and leaf of G. macrophylla and in flower of G. crassicaulis is the lowest. Sum content of gentiopicroside and loganic acid in root of four species are higher than those in their stem, leaf and flower, swertiamarin is more accumulated in their root and flower, while sweroside content in their flower is relatively the highest. Sweroside content in stem, leaf and flower of G. dahurica collected from Huzhu of Qinghai Province is the highest with mass ratio of 2. 884%, 5. 215% and 7. 321%, respectively. It is suggested that contents of four iridoid glucosides relate not only to species and organ, but also to location and collection time.

关键词秦艽属; 高效液相色谱法; 马钱苷酸; 獐牙菜苦苷; 龙胆苦苷; 獐牙菜苷
Key wordsGentiana L.; HPLC; loganic acid; swertiamarin; gentiopicroside; sweroside
作者曹晓燕, 王政军, 王喆之
所在单位陕西师范大学药用资源与天然药物化学教育部重点实验室西北濒危药材资源开发国家工程实验室, 陕西西安710062