摘要 | 在不同条件下,对荷兰鸢尾金皇后(Iris xiphium L.var. hybridum cv.Yellow Queen)和罗萨里奥(Iris xiphium L.var. hybridum cv.Rosarlo)品种的鲜切花材料进行了预冷和冷藏处理试验。结果表明:相同预冷和冷藏处理条件下,这2个品种切花的保鲜效果基本无差别。在不添加任何化学试剂且处理温度为2~4℃条件下,预冷处理以花蕾初现色期、相对湿度20%~30%且处理时间12~24h的保鲜效果为佳,其保鲜期比对照平均延长3~4d;冷藏处理以花蕾未现色或刚现色的切花材料,装入不完全密封的塑料薄膜袋中,袋中相对湿度为95%~98%的处理条件效果最佳,保鲜期可达7~10d。 |
Abstract | A series of experiments were conducted with pretreatment and store in low temperature for prolonging the longevity of the cut flowers of Iris xiphium L. var. hybridum. The results were nearly the same when the cut flowers of different cultivars were treated with same pretreatment or store conditions in low temperature. It is better way to prolong the longevity of the cut flowers for 3-4 d when they were kept in the condition of 2-4℃and relative humidity of 20%-30 %for 12-24 h . It could keep the cut flower in good quality when they were stored in 2-4℃and relative humidity of 95%-98 %for 7-10 d . It is the best time for pretreatment and store of low temperature when the flower color is just appeared. |
关键词 | 切花; 荷兰鸢尾; 低温处理; 保鲜; |
Key words | cut flower; Iris xiphium L. var.hybridum; low temperature treatment; prolonging the longevity of cut flower |
作者 | 黄苏珍1, 2 , 郭维明1 , 韩玉林2 , 谢明云2 , 孙桂弟2 |
所在单位 | 1.南京农业大学, 江苏 南京 210014; 2.江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1614 |
下载次数 | 1060 |
基金项目 | 江苏省科技厅农业攻关项目(BE2001353) |