2024年9月16日 星期一
Faclng to the 21st century - A report on IQ International m i a t i o n of Botanic Gardens Conference, Wuxi, China
1993年 第2卷 第4期 页码[1-6]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

第十一届国际植物园协会 (IABG) 大会于 1 9 9 3年 9月7 日在中国无锡开幕,经苏州、 杭州, 于 9月12日在上海闭幕。9月6日部分与会代表参加 了在南京举行的“中国南京国际植物园俱乐部” 奠基仪式及江苏省重点实验室南京中山植物园“植物迁地保存实验室” 扩建部分开放使用等一 系列庆祝活动。参加大会的有来自23个国家和地区的1 9 9名代表。 大会收到论文74篇 ,其中板报42篇,大会报告13篇。 本次会议的主要议题 为“植物园与国家发展”。经过大会报告和交流 ,明确了世 界植物 园在继续发挥 其保护物种和保护环境的功能之 外,必须进一步密切植物园与国家发展的关系。全面发展植物园的十项功能 , 不仅可 以增加植物 园对社会的贡献,也有利于提高植物园自身的活力和生存能力 大会选出了以主席 岩撇邦男,副主席李蔼娃、贺善安、安德列也夫,秘书长艾斯特 万为领导核心的新一届理事会 。世界植物园两大组织 国际植物 园协会 ( I A 叱 )和国际植物园保护组织 ( BGCI )在无锡签署的合作备忘录标志着 国际 植物 园运 动进入了一个新的历史时期。理事会的第一次会议于9月1日在由杭州开往上海的火车上举行。讨论了整顿组织、会员登记 、出版IABG通讯及与BGCI合作开展活动等间题。会议确认1994年将在印尼召开IABG-AD第二次会议。第十二届IABG加大会将于19 9 9年在 美国或其邻近地区召开。理事会号召全世界植物园行动起 来 , 以新的面貌和新的成就迎接廿一世纪的到来!


The conference was opened at Wuxi, China. After two days in Wuxi for scientific lectures and w t e r session, visiting the Wuxi Taihu Ornamental Botanical Garden and touring the Taihu Lake, all participants were taken to Suzhou, Hangzhou to visit more traditional Chinese gardens and landscape sites, then the conference was closed at Shanghai. Altogether 199 participants from 23 countries and regions attened the conference. Altogether 74 papers (42 posters and 13 plenary lectures) have been received. Officers and administrators of Jiangsu Provincial Government, Shanghai Municipal Government, (C)1994-2020 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. Provincial People1s Congress of Jiangsu and Anhui and several Chinese national and provincial commissions. societies and associations for science and technology attened the meeting also. Co- spansors of the conference include all Chinese botanical gardens associations and committee and BGCI as well. The direction of the movement of botanical gardens in the world was a hot point to be discussed on the conference. The ten functions of botanical gardens for national development delivered from the plenary lectures presented by Prof. He. S. A. and others were considered aa a good basic concept of the function of botanical gardens facing to the next century. A new leader group of IABG has been elected and a Memorandum concerning the cooperation in the future between IABG and BGCI was signed by Prof. K. Iwatsuki and Prof. V. Heywood. The memorandum is certainly a landmark of the movement of botanical gardens in the world. The conference is closed with great success and the new IABG Council has had its first meeting in the train from Hangzhou to Shanghai for two hours. Activities of IABG have been carefully discussed. IABG will first strengthen her organization and regional organization, publish its newsletter after a thoughtful preparation for ahout one or one and a half years. IABG will have an Asian regional meeting in Indonesia in 1991. and a joint meeting with BGCI in 1995 or 1996 in Spain. the XⅡ IABG Conference in 1999 will be in The U. S. or some place nearby as the satellite conference of the X VI International Botanical Congress in Missouri Botanical Garden, The u. S.

关键词国际植物园协会; 植物园; 国家发展;
Key wordsInternational Association of Botanical Gardens (IABG); botanical garden; national development
作者顾 姻 ,盛 宁
所在单位南京中山 植物 园 . 南京 2 1 0 0 1 4