2024年10月23日 星期三
Analyses on species diversity and environmental impact factors of floor lichen community in Miquan Haxionggou Forest Farm of Xinjiang
2023年 第32卷 第4期 页码[63-72]    下载全文[1MB]  

为了探明新疆米泉哈熊沟林场地面生地衣群落的物种多样性及环境影响因子,对该林场海拔1 600~2 000 m区域的地面生地衣群落物种组成进行了调查,并以盖度为指标,应用除趋势对应分析(DCA)和双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)法对该林场地面生地衣群落进行了数量分类;在此基础上,分析了各群丛的物种多样性和相似性,并应用典范对应分析(CCA)法探究了影响该林场地面生地衣群落种类分布的环境因子。结果表明:在调查区域内共鉴定出29种地面生地衣,隶属于5科9属;在科水平上,地卷科(Peltigeraceae)和石蕊科(Cladoniaceae)种类较多,分别有11和10种;在属水平上,石蕊属(Cladonia P. Browne)和地卷属(Peltigera Willd.)种类较多,均为10种。数量分类结果表明:调查区域内的地面生地衣群落可分成4个群丛,即土星猫耳衣+坚石蕊+雀石蕊群丛(Ass. Leptogium saturninum+Cladonia firma+Cladonia stellaris)(群丛1)、砖孢胶衣+坚石蕊+伴藓大孢衣群丛(Ass. Collema subconveniens+Cladonia firma+Physconia muscigena)(群丛2)、鸡冠胶耳衣+喇叭粉石蕊+尖头石蕊群丛(Ass. Lathagrium cristatum+Cladonia chlorophaea+Cladonia subulata)(群丛3)和犬地卷+雀石蕊+尖头石蕊群丛(Ass. Peltigera canina+Cladonia stellaris+Cladonia subulata)(群丛4),分别包含19、26、23和18种地面生地衣。群丛2和群丛3的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Patrick丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数明显高于群丛1和群丛4;群丛2与群丛4间的Sorensen相似性指数和Jaccard相似性指数均最大,分别为0.450和0.782。CCA排序结果显示:前3个排序轴的累计贡献率为76.2%,3个排序轴种类分布与环境因子的相关系数分别为0.948、0.917和0.844,说明排序结果能准确反映地面生地衣群落种类分布与环境因子的关系。9个环境因子中,郁闭度对地面生地衣种类分布的影响最大,光照度次之。研究结果显示:新疆米泉哈熊沟林场地面生地衣群落物种丰富度较低,不同群丛的物种多样性和相似性存在一定差异;郁闭度和光照度是影响该林场地面生地衣种类分布的重要环境因子。


 In order to figure out the species diversity and environmental impact factors of floor lichen community in Miquan Haxionggou Forest Farm of Xinjiang, the species composition of floor lichen community at an altitude of 1 600-2 000 m in this forest farm was investigated, and the numerical classification was performed for floor lichen community in this forest farm by using detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) methods via taking coverage as an index; on the basis, species diversity and similarity of each association were analyzed, and the environmental factors affecting species distribution of floor lichen community in this forest farm were investigated by using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) method. The results show that a total of 29 species of floor lichens are identified in the investigation region, belonging to 9 genera of 5 families. At the family level, the species in Peltigeraceae and Cladoniaceae are relatively abundant, which are 11 and 10 species, respectively; at the genus level, the species in Cladonia P. Browne and Peltigera Willd. are relatively abundant, which are both 10 species. The numerical classification results show that the floor lichen community in the investigation region can be divided into 4 associations, namely Ass. Leptogium saturninum+Cladonia firma+Cladonia stellaris (Ass. 1), Ass. Collema subconveniens+Cladonia firma+Physconia muscigena (Ass. 2), Ass. Lathagrium cristatum+Cladonia chlorophaea+Cladonia subulata (Ass. 3), and Ass. Peltigera canina+Cladonia stellaris+Cladonia subulata (Ass. 4), which contain 19, 26, 23, and 18 species of floor lichens, respectively. ShannonWiener diversity index, Patrick richness index, and Pielou evenness index of Ass. 2 and Ass. 3 are evidently higher than those of Ass. 1 and Ass. 4; Sorensen similarity index and Jaccard similarity index between Ass. 2 and Ass. 4 are both the highest, which are 0.450 and 0.782, respectively. The CCA ordination result shows that the cumulative contribution rate of the first three ordination axes is 76.2%, and the correlation coefficients between species distribution of the three ordination axes and environmental factors are 0.948, 0.917, and 0.844, respectively, indicating that the ordination result can accurately reflect the relationships between species distribution of floor lichen community and environmental factors. Among 9 environmental factors,  the  influence of canopy density on species distribution of floor lichens is the largest, followed by illuminance. It is suggested that the species richness of floor lichen community in Miquan Haxionggou Forest Farm of Xinjiang is relatively low, and there are some differences in species diversity and similarity among different associations; canopy density and illuminance are the key environmental factors affecting the species distribution of floor lichen in this forest farm.

关键词新疆米泉哈熊沟林场; 地面生地衣群落; 物种多样性; 环境影响因子; 典范对应分析(CCA)
Key wordsMiquan Haxionggou Forest Farm of Xinjiang; floor lichen community; species diversity; environmental impact factor; canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)
作者昝悦, 侯茜榕, 徐硕, 艾尼瓦尔·吐米尔
所在单位新疆大学生命科学与技术学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830017
基金项目国家自然科学基金项目(31660009); 新疆大学2021年校级大学生创新训练计划项目(XJU-SRT-21051)