2025年3月14日 星期五
The breeding of new varieties with small inflorescences in chrysanthemum
1993年 第2卷 第1期 页码[37-40] 下载全文[0.5MB]
摘要 | 利用南京野生的菊花脑(2n=2x=18)和南京野菊(2n=4x=36)与六倍体栽培菊杂交,或利用中国秋菊与从国外引进的夏、秋两季开花的菊花杂交,育成一组耐夏季高温高湿,花朵繁多,花色艳丽,具有香味的小花型品种。菊花脑和南京野菊在小花型菊花育种中是具有很大潜力的亲本。 |
Abstract | By crossing local wild chrysanthemum, ‘Juhuanao’(2n = 2x = 18) and ‘Nanjing Yeju’ ( 2n = 4x = 36 ) with cultural hexaploid chrysanthemum, and Chinese autumn chrysanthemum with chrysanthemum flowering in summer and autumn introduced from foreign country, a series of new varieties with small inflorescence were developed. These new varieties are tolerant to high temperature and moisture in summer, and are characterised by beautiful and fragrant flowers. ‘Juhuanao’ and ‘Nanjing Yeju’ are potential parents in chrysanthemum breeding for small inflorescences. |
关键词 | 菊花育种; 小花型; 种间杂交; |
Key words | chrysanthemum breeding; small inflorescence; interspecific hybridization |
作者 | 陈秀兰,李惠芬 |
所在单位 | 江苏省农业科学院园艺研究所,南京210014 |
点击量 | 1726 |
下载次数 | 1202 |