2025年3月14日 星期五
Tissue culture of Anoectochilus formosanus Hay. and nutritional constituent analysis of cultured seedlings
1996年 第5卷 第3期 页码[23-27]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

用台湾金线兰 ( Anoectochilus formosanus Hay. )的茎段作外植体 ,比较不同的培养基蔗糖浓度有机添加物p H激素等因素对丛生芽生成的影响 ,实验证明 B5M S较好 ,蔗糖浓度为2% 3% ,在细胞分裂素试验中发现 BA作用优于 KTZT,最适浓度为 4 mg /l,还证明 4Pu-300. 5 mg /l浓度下即有很好的作用台湾金线兰组织培养苗及与同属植物花叶开唇兰 ( A. rox -burghii ( W all. ) Lindl. )组培苗和野生药材的氨基酸维生素的含量测定 ,结果表明台湾金线兰的氨基酸含量较高 ,并有丰富的 VC, VB1, VB2, VE, 尼克酸及胡罗卜素 ,对进一步直接开发利用金线连组织培养苗提供了依据


The cluster shoots w ere obtained by stem segment of A. formosanus in tissue culture. Comparison of different m edia, sucrose concentration, p H value, organic extract and hormone were investigated.  It was found that B5 and MS medium with 2%3% surose, 4 mg /lBA or 0. 5 mg /l 4Pu-30 show ed the ideal result. Compared with cultured seedling and crude drug of wild species ( A. roxburghii) , A. formosanus seedling has high content of amino acids and rich in VC, VB1, VB2 , VE, nicotinic acid and carotene. It will provide the basis for further development and utilization of A. formosanus from tissue culture.

关键词台湾金线兰; 组织培养; 营养分析;
Key wordsAnoectochilus formosanus Hay.; tissue culture; nutritional analysis
作者唐庆九 ,丁家宜, 朱鹿鸣
所在单位中国药科大学组织培养研究室 ,南京 210038
江苏省林业科学研究所 ,南京 211153