2024年12月26日 星期四
The effects of cement flying dust deposit on the growth of China Fir and some other forest trees
1998年 第7卷 第1期 页码[54-58]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

在受到水泥粉尘污染的约 30 年生马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)、黑松(P .thunbergii  Parl.)和杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb .)Hook .〕林地, 各建立 50 m2样地, 测定滞尘量, 取水泥厂投产(1983 )前后各 6 年的木材样品, 进行树干解析和有关元素含量的测定结果表, 水泥粉尘对林木的高胸径和材积的生长有抑制影响, 并使木材中硅磷含量增加, 铝含量减少这种影响随树种而异


The effects of cement flying dust on the growth of some forest trees, such as China Fir ,
Black Pine,
Masson Pine and on the content of relative elements in timber were investigated and analysed by establishing 50 m2 sam ple lands per species and selecting analy tic woods in different polluted forest lands where trial trees grew , and by chiseling timber g rowing for 6 years befo re or after the year of 1983 w hen the cement factory put into productio n .Results showed that cement flying dust could exert injurious impact on the grow th of height , breast diameter , tim ber volume of forest trees, increase at certain deg ree the contents of Si , Ca, K , P w ith decreasing of Mg , Fe , Al in timber.How ever this im pact was changed w ith tree species .

关键词水泥粉尘; 林木生长; 树干解析
Key wordscement flying dust; forest growth; tree analyses
作者杜 梅, 张克云,陈树元 ,徐和宝, 谢明云
所在单位芜湖市环境监理所, 芜湖 241000
江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014