摘要 | 在温室条件下,采用盆栽根箱培养的方法研究盐胁迫下I 69杨(Populus deltoides Bartr.cv.’Lux’) 和NL 1381杨〔Populus deltoides Bartr.cv.’Lux’ ×P. euramericana (Dode) Geninier CL’I 45 51’〕根际、非根际土壤盐分分布特征。盐处理浓度共设3个水平:CK(NaCl0g /kg)、处理A(NaCl1g/ kg)和处理B(NaCl2g/kg),采用完全随机设计。结果表明,2个杨树无性系根际水溶性K+亏缺,水溶性Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+富集。K+的亏缺率及Na+的富集率随NaCl处理浓度的增大而减小,Ca2+和Mg2+的富集率在非盐渍条件下最低,处理A达最高,处理B较处理A略有下降。在盐胁迫下,无性系NL 1381杨根际土壤Na+的浓度和电导率均低于无性系I 69杨,可以有效减轻盐分对根系的渗透胁迫,相对而言具有较强的抗盐性。 |
Abstract | The rhizobox experiments were randomized completely designed, with application of NaCl to furnish 0, 1 and 2 g/kg soil, to study the distribution of K + , Na + , Ca2+ and Mg2+ in poplar rhizosphere system under NaCl stress in greenhouse. Two poplar clones, I-69 ( Populus deltoides Bartr. cv. `Lux') andNL-1381 〔Populus deltoides Bartr. cv. `Lux' ×P . euramericana ( Dode) Geninier CL `I-45 51'〕, were chosen for the study. The results indicated that the water-soluble K+ of soils in rhizosphere of two poplar clones was lower than those in non-rhizosphere, but Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were accumulated obviously in rhizosphere under three NaCl treatments. The depleting ratio of K + and accumulating ratio of Na + for each system of clones decreased with the increase of NaCl concentration, but the accumulating ratios of Ca2+ and Mg2+ under treatment B (NaCl 2 g/kg) were obviously higher than under control, but slightly lower than those of treatment A ( NaCl 1 g/kg) . Na+ concentration and electrical conductivity in rhizosphere of clone NL-1381were lower in comparison with clone I-69 under NaCl treatments, and therefore reducing the salt stress. It is probably that clone NL-1381 is stronger in tolerating salt stress. |
关键词 | 盐胁迫; 根际; 杨树; 盐分离子; 分布特性; |
Key words | salt stress; rhizosphere; poplar; salt ion distribution |
作者 | 田野;张焕朝;方升佐;丁应祥 |
所在单位 | 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院江苏南京210037 |
点击量 | 1275 |
下载次数 | 1009 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(39770014); 江苏省"十五"科技攻关项目(BE2001358); |