2025年1月26日 星期日
The chemical types on Cinnamomum longepaniculatum (Gamble) N. Cho ex H. W.Li in Hunan Province
1993年 第2卷 第3期 页码[7-11]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

对湖南省的油樟(Cinnnmum longepaniculatum (Gamble) N. Cho ex H. W. Li)资源作了调查。用色谱、色谱/质谱联用方法鉴定了油樟叶精油的43个化学成分,依主含成分不同可将其划分为6个不同的化学类型。其中,主含甲基丁香酚、龙脑、樟脑、芳樟醇和倍半萜烯的5个化学类型为首次在油樟中发现。


The resources of Cinnnmum longepaniculatum (Gamble) N. Cho ex H. W. Li in Hunan Province were researched. The essential oils obtained from the leaves were analysed by GC/MS and 43 chemical constituents were identified. According to the major chemical constituent of the essential oil, Cinnnmum longepaniculatum may be divided into six chemical types : methyl eugenol-type , borneol-type , camphor-type , cineole-type , linalool-type and sesquiterpene-type. They are reported for the first time except the cineole-type.

关键词油樟; 叶精油; 化学类型;
Key wordsCinnnmum longepaniculatum (Gamble) N. Cho ex H. W. Li; leaf essential oil; chemical type
作者李毓敬 ,李宝灵, 曾幻添, 陆碧瑶, 朱亮锋
所在单位中国 科学院华南植物研究所 , 广州 510650