2025年3月14日 星期五
基于SSR 标记的荷花品种遗传多样性及群体结构分析
Analyses on genetic diversity and population structure of lotus cultivars (Nelumbo spp.) based on SSR markers
2016年 第25卷 第1期 页码[9-16]    下载全文[1MB]  

采用SSR 标记技术对42 个荷花品种(Nelumbo spp.)的基因组DNA 进行扩增,在此基础上,对供试品种进行UPGMA 聚类分析群体结构分析和主坐标分析(PCoA)结果表明:采用17 SSR 引物从42 个荷花品种的基因组DNA 中扩增出77 个位点,多态性位点百分率为88. 31%;每对引物可扩增出1 ~9 个多态性位点根据Nei’s 遗传距离,供试的42 个荷花品种可被分成III两组,分别包含3 39 个品种;Nei’s 遗传距离0. 150 ,组被进一步分成IIaIIb IIc 3 个亚组,分别包含316 20 个品种群体结构分析结果表明:组分概率高于等于0. 80 ,供试的42 个荷花品种被分成Pop1Pop2 和混合群3 个亚群,分别包含1716 9 个品种PCoA 分析结果表明:F1 水平上,供试的42 个荷花品种被分成2 个部分;其中,Pop1 亚群的品种均分布在第二和第三象限,Pop2 亚群的品种则分布在第一和第四象限总体来看,聚类分析群体结构分析和PCoA 分析的结果基本一致综合分析结果表明:组包含美洲黄莲(N. lutea Pers.)品种艾江南,且与传统中国莲(N. nucifera Gaertn.)品种的亲缘关系最远,故认为该组为美洲黄莲;组为中国莲,其中,c 亚组以传统中国莲品种为主,b 亚组则偏重于美洲黄莲总体上看,供试的42 个荷花品种主要被分为中国莲和美洲黄莲两组,而中美杂交莲并没有独立成组,其成因有待进一步研究


Genomic DNA of 42 lotus cultivars (Nelumbo spp.) were amplified by SSR marker technique,on the basis, UPGMA cluster analysis, population structure analysis and principal coordinate analysis  (PCoA) of cultivars tested were carried out. The results show that 77 loci are amplified from genomic DNA of 42 lotus cultivars by 17 pairs of SSR primers, percentage of polymorphic locus is 88. 31%. Each air of SSR primer can amplify 1-9 polymorphic loci. According to Nei’s genetic distance, 42 lotus cultivars tested can be divided into two groups, i. e. Iand II, which contain 3 and 39 cultivars, respectively. At Nei’s genetic distance of 0. 150, group  II,is further divided into three subgroups, i. e.  II,a,  II,b and II,c , which contain 3, 16 and 20 cultivars, respectively. The result of population structure analysis shows that when component probability is above or equal to 0. 80, 42 lotus cultivars tested can be divided into three subpopulations, i. e. Pop1, Pop2 and mixed population, which contain 17, 16 and 9 cultivars, respectively. The result of PCoA analysis shows that on F1 level, 42 lotus cultivars tested are divided into two parts. In which, cultivars of Pop1 subpopulation all distribute in the second and the third quadrants, while those of Pop2 subpopulation distribute in the first and the fourth quadrants. Overall, results of cluster analysis, population structure analysis and PCoA analysis are basically identical. The comprehensive analysis result shows that Igroup contains American lotus (N.lutea Pers.) cultivar 'Aijiangnan’, and its relationship with traditional Chinese lotus ( N. nucifera  Gaertn.) cultivars is the farthest, so the group is considered to be American lotus. II group is Chinese lotus, in which, IIc subgroup is mainly traditional Chinese lotus cultivars, while IIb subgroup is lean to American lotus. In general, 42 lotus cultivars tested are mainly divided into two groups of Chinese lotus and American lotus, while Sino-American hybrid lotus has not became into an independent group, the reason needs to be further researched.

关键词荷花品种; SSR 标记; 遗传多样性; UPGMA 聚类分析; 群体结构分析; 主坐标分析(PCoA)
Key wordslotus cultivars (Nelumbo spp.); SSR marker; genetic diversity; UPGMA cluster analysis; population structure analysis; principal coordinate analysis (PCoA)
作者杜凤凤, 刘晓静, 常雅军, 李乃伟, 李丕睿, 姚东瑞
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏南京210014
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31400604); 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK20151370); 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项(201505023-4); 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所基金资助项目(SQ201403)