摘要 | 分析了苍术(Atractybes lancea(Thunb.)DC.)5种等位酶(MDH,GDH,PPO,SOD,PER)12个位点上25个等位基因的分化特征。结果表明:群体内多态位点比例平均为0.61,每个位点的平均杂合率为0.26,每个位点发现的平均等位基因数为1.78。苍术种内基因多样性的86%产生在群体内,群体间分化的明显效果为14%。所有配对组合,群体间的平均遗传距离是0.11,遗传同一性是0.90。说明苍术种内变异很大。同时探讨茅苍术的分类位置,认为茅苍术不是苍术和白术的杂交种。 |
Abstract | Populations of Atractybes lancea (Thunb. ) DC. from different provenances were determined for the genetic variations of 25 alleles at 12 loci coding for five allozymes (MDH , GDH ,PPO , SOD , PER ) . The average percentage of polymorphic loci within populations was 0. 61, whereas the number of alleles per locus averaged 1. 78. The mean value of the average expected heterozygosity for all samples were 0. 26. Based on the values obtained by Nei's genetic diversity index, the Gst was 14 %. It indicated that the majority of genetic variations was distributed within populations. The mean value of Nei's genetic identity for pairwise comparisons of populations was 0. 90, while the mean genetic distance was 0. 11.In addition, based on the result of allozyme study of this paper, it seemed that the population of Maocangzhu in Jiangsu Province belongs to A. lancea |
关键词 | 苍术; 等位酶; 遗传多样性; |
Key words | Atractybes lancea(Thunb.)DC.; allozyme; genetic diversity |
作者 | 朱晓琴,贺善安 |
所在单位 | 江苏省植物研究所江苏省植物迁地保护重点实验室, 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1186 |
下载次数 | 899 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基,金青年基金; |