2024年10月23日 星期三
The community structure characteristics and the population dynamics of Litsea dilleniifolia in Longgang of Guangxi
2004年 第13卷 第2期 页码[25-30]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

1980年和2001年分别对弄岗国家级自然保护区的五桠果叶木姜子(Litsea dilleniifolia P. Y. Pai et P. H. Huang)群落进行了较为详细的调查和分析。结果表明,五桠果叶木姜子群落层次结构完整,植物种类丰富。2次调查结果显示,在600m2的样方内共有维管植物50科86属102种,五桠果叶木姜子的重要值分别达到141.6和108.4,在主林层中的优势非常明显。种群大小级结构及其分布格局的分析结果表明,五桠果叶木姜子种群属介于稳定型和衰退型种群之间的成熟型种群,整个种群呈集群分布。在分析造成五桠果叶木姜子濒危原因的基础上,提出拯救和扩大其种群的基本途径。


The Litsea dilleniifolia P. Y. Pai et P. H. Huang community in the Longgang National Natural Reserve was investigated in 1980 and 2001 by method of quadrates. The results showed that the L. dilleniifolia community comprised abundant plant species, which contained vascular plants of 102 species that belonging to 50 families and 86 genera in the two quadrates of 600 m2. The structure of L. dilleniifolia community was integrate with obvious tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer as well as complicated inter-layer plants, and L. dilleniifolia was outstanding dominant species in the community, especially in the tree layer, its important value reached to 141.6 and 108.4 in the two investigations, respectively. Based on the results of investigations, it showed that L. dilleniifolia was plentiful in the seedlings and saplings, but less in adult trees, and its population structure was the type between the stable population and declining population, and the spatial pattern of the whole population was of contagious distribution. The fundamental approach to retrieve and expand the population was put forward according to the analysis of the reason that causes the population to be rare and endangered.

关键词弄岗国家级自然保护区; 五桠果叶木姜子; 群落结构; 种群动态;
Key wordsLonggang National Natural Reserve; Litsea dilleniifolia P. Y. Pai et P. H. Huang; community structure; population dynamics
基金项目国家自然科学基金(30069005); 地区科学基金(桂科配0135026)联合资助项目;