2025年1月2日 星期四
1997年 第6卷 第1期 页码[35-40]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

刺槐( Robinia pseudoacacia Linn.) 湿地松( Pinus elliottii Engelm .) 和侧柏Platycladus orientalis ( L.) Franco种子经 0.3% CaCl2, 250 μg/g H3BO3250 μg/g 多效唑( M ET ) 浸种 24 h,然后测定幼苗的耐盐性结果表明, 0 .3 % NaCl 胁迫条件下, 不同种子预处理方法对种子发芽平均苗高根茎比简易活力指数( SV IS) 以及幼苗中 Na +K +的累积量 Na +/ K +比及游离脯氨酸含量有较大影响树种不同, 处理效果也存在明显差异湿地松以 0.3% CaCl2, 侧柏以 250μg/ g H3BO 3浸种处理效果最好, 显著提高种子发芽率平均苗高根茎比和 SV IS, 降低幼苗 Na +收量和  Na +/K +, 缓解盐胁迫逆境3 种种子预处理方法均降低刺槐种子发芽率平均苗长和SV IS, 但提高刺槐幼苗游离脯氨酸含量和幼苗根茎比, 减少幼苗对  Na +的吸收, 降低 Na +/K +


The effects of seed pretreatment methods on improving salt tolerance of the seedlings of 3 tree species were studied after soaking seeds of Robinia pseudoacacia Linn ., Pinus elliottii Engelm. and Platycladus orientalis ( L .) Franco with 0 .3 %CaCl2, 250 μg/g H3BO3 and 250 μg/g multi-effect triazole ( MET) fo r 24 h respectively .The results indicated that various seed pretreatment methods had a great influence on seed germination percentage, average seedling height, root/stem ratio, seed vigour index ( SVIS) , the contents of Na+, K+ and free proline in seedlings, and Na +/K + ratio under the 0 .3 % NaCl stress .How ever, for various tree species, the influence was different .Soaking seeds of P. elliottii with 0 .3 % CaCl2 and soaking seeds of P .
with 250 μg/g H
for 24 h could greatly improve their seed germination percentage, average seedling height, root/stem ratio and SVIS, reduce the contents of Na +  in seedling and Na +/K + ratio, and lower saline stress .3 pretreatment methods both lowered seed germination percentage, average seedling height and SVIS of R . pseudoacacia , but increased in contents of free proline and root/stem ratio in seedlings,and reduced the accumulation of Na+ in seedling and Na +/K + ratio .

作者方升佐, 曹福亮, 戴蒲英
所在单位南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 南京 210037