2024年10月26日 星期六
Diversity characteristics of key protected wild plants distributed in Chongqing City
2024年 第33卷 第4期 页码[81-91]    下载全文[1.1MB]  

 为探明重庆市分布的重点保护野生植物多样性特征,本研究从物种组成、生活型、地理分布格局和分布热点区域4个方面分析了重庆市分布的重点保护野生植物现状。结果表明:重庆市分布的重点保护野生植物种类丰富,共有62科116属210种(含亚种和变种,下同),其中种子植物种类最多(189种),具有明显优势。在科水平上,兰科(Orchidaceae)植物种类最多(12属41种);在属水平上,重楼属(Paris Linn.)植物种类最多(14种)。从生活型看,重庆市分布的重点保护野生植物包含高位芽植物、地上芽植物、地面芽植物和地下芽植物,并以高位芽植物(102种)和地面芽植物(79种)为主。重庆市所有县级行政区域均分布有重点保护野生植物,其中,南川区分布的种类最多(148种),巫山县、巫溪县和城口县分布的种类较多(均超过100种),而渝北区、巴南区等主城区分布的种类总体上较少(多在30种以内)。从垂直分布看,重庆市分布的重点保护野生植物在海拔(900,1 300] m的种类最多(141种),之后随海拔升高而减少。重庆市分布的重点保护野生植物在4个主要山脉均较为丰富(140~177种),并以大巴山脉分布的种类最多;9个主要水系分布的重点保护野生植物存在明显差异,其中,长江水系、大宁河水系和任河水系分布的种类均在100种以上。此外,本研究还筛选出12个分布热点区域,其中,南川区分布的重点保护野生植物最多(134种)。针对重庆市分布的重点保护野生植物多样性特征,建议在全市范围内加大对重点保护野生植物的宣传力度,增强当地群众的保护意识;积极开展重庆市重点保护野生植物资源的彻底调查,并加强持续监测;同时,加强受严重威胁植物的保护研究和自然保护地管理。


 In order to explore the diversity characteristics of key protected wild plants distributed in Chongqing City, the status of key protected wild plants in Chongqing City were analyzed through four aspects including species composition, life form, geographical distribution pattern, and distribution hotspot. The results show that the species of key protected wild plants distributed in Chongqing City are rich, with a total of 210 species (including subspecies and varieties, the sam below) in 116 genera of 62 families, in which, the species of spermatophytes are the most (189 species), with a significant dominance. At the family level, the species in Orchidaceae are the most (41 species in 12 genera). At the genus level, the species in Paris Linn. are the most (14 species). According to life form, the key protected wild plants distributed in Chongqing City contains phanerophytes, chamaephytes, hemicryptophytes, and geocryptophytes, with phanerophytes (102 species) and hemicryptophytes (79 species) dominating. Key protected wild plants distribute in all countylevel administrative regions of Chongqing City, among them, the species distributed in Nanchuan District are the most (148 species), and the species distributed in Wushan County, Wuxi County, and Chengkou County are many (each exceeding 100 species), while the species distributed in main urban areas such as Yubei District and Banan District are few (mostly fewer than 30 species) in general. In terms of vertical distribution, the key protected wild plants distributed in Chongqing City in the altitude of (900, 1 300] m are the most (141 species), then the species number gradually decreases with the increase of altitude. The key protected wild plants distributed in Chongqing City in four main mountains are abundant (140-177 species), with the most species in the Daba Mountains. There are significant differences in the distribution of key protected wild plants among nine main river systems, in which, the species distributed in the Yangtze River system, Daning River system, and Renhe River system are all over 100 specios. Furthermore, this study identified 12 distribution hotspots, with the most species of key protected wild plants in Nanchuan District (134 species). In light of the diversity characteristics of key protected wild plants distributed in Chongqing City, it is recommended to intensify publicity efforts on key protected wild plants throughout the city and enhance the public awareness of protection, and it is recommended to actively conduct a thorough investigation of key protected wild plant resources in Chongqing City and enhance continuous monitoring. Additionally, efforts should be made to strengthen conservation research of the seriously threatened plants and the management of nature reserves.


关键词重庆市; 重点保护野生植物; 地理分布; 分布热点区域; 保护建议
Key wordsChongqing City; key protected wild plant; geographical distribution; distribution hotspot; protection suggestion
作者张欢1, 吴婧2, 吕信运1, 王仪云1, 左有为1, 夏常英1, 李文巧1, 邓洪平1
所在单位1. 西南大学生命科学学院, 重庆 400715; 2. 重庆市林业局, 重庆 401147
基金项目重庆林业资源重点保护项目(sxxycq-2021-095; SXXYCQ-2020-102)