摘要 | 对7 年生福建含笑-杉木〔Michelia fujianensis Q.F.Zheng-Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb .) Hook .〕混交林的生长效果、改土效益、水源涵养功能以及混交机理的分析研究表明, 该混交林种间关系协调, 林分空间分布格局合理, 能调节林分小气候, 改善土壤肥力状况, 充分利用营养空间, 增强水源涵养功能, 促进林分生长。 福建含笑与杉木混交林是改造杉木低产林、防止地力衰退及扩大珍贵阔叶树种植范围的有效途径之一。 |
Abstract | Growth effect, soil-improved benefit, water-conserved function and mixed mechanism for 7-yr-old mixed forest of Michelia fujianensis Q .F .Zheng and Chinese fir 〔Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb .) Hook .〕were studied .The results showed that the relation between this two tree species was coordinated and that distribution pattern for stand space was rational so that is reached a series of functions such as regulating micro-climate of forest stand, improving soil fertility, making full use of nutrient space, enhancing water on servation and improving the growth of forest stand .Mixed plantation of M .fujianensis and Chinese fir is one of the effective ways by which to transform. low-yielded Chinese fir stand, to prevent and control the soil fertility declination, to enlarge plantation scope of rare species of hard wood . |
关键词 | 福建含笑; 杉木; 混交林; 混交效益; 混交机理; |
Key words | Michelia fujianensis Q. F. Zheng; Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb. ) Hook.; mixed forest; mixed effect; mixed mechanism |
作者 | 张兴正 |
所在单位 | 福建省建瓯市林业委员会, 福建 建瓯 353100 |
点击量 | 1025 |
下载次数 | 884 |
基金项目 | 福建省自然科学基金项目( F991) |