摘要 | 依据16个形态性状,对山东省主栽的20个木瓜(Chaenomeles spp.)品种进行了UPGMA聚类分析和主成分分析,并对16个形态性状间的相关性进行了检验。聚类分析结果表明,在欧氏距离1.058处可将20个品种分为皱皮木瓜〔C. speciosa (Sweet) Nakai〕和木瓜〔C. sinensis (Thouin) Koehne〕2组;在欧氏距离0.743处,皱皮木瓜组可进一步分为浓香型(包括‘一品香’和‘金香’)和淡香型(包括‘罗扶’、‘长俊’、‘红霞’、‘玉佛’和‘奥星’)2个品种群;木瓜组可进一步分为大果型(包括‘玉兰’和‘豆青’)和中小果型(包括‘细皮’、‘剩花’、‘手瓜’、‘佛手’、‘金苹果’、‘大金苹果’、‘大狮子头’、‘小狮子头’、‘陈香’、‘红云’和‘可食’)2个品种群。果实贮藏后果皮是否变皱、果实表面有无棱沟、嫩叶颜色、结果枝是否带刺、托叶形状等性状之间的相关性极显著,相关系数均达到1.0000。主成分分析结果表明,前4个主成分的累积贡献率达到89.66%,根据前4个主成分中各性状的绝对权重值,筛选出对木瓜品种分类影响较大的12个性状,其中果实贮藏后果皮是否变皱、果实表面有无棱沟、嫩叶颜色、结果枝是否带刺和托叶形状5个性状可作为区分山东省20个木瓜主栽品种的主要形态性状依据。 |
Abstract | According to sixteen morphological characters, UPGMA cluster analysis and principal component analysis of twenty main cultivars of Chaenomeles spp. In Shandong Province were carried on, and correlation among sixteen morphological characters was alsoanalyzed. The cluster analysis result shows that the twenty cultivars can be divided into two groups at euclidean distance of 1.058, one is C. speciosa (Sweet) Nakai group and another is C. sinensis (Thouin) Koehne group. At euclidean distance of 0.743, C. speciosa group can be further divided into two cultivar groups of mellow type (including C. speciosa `Yipinxiang' and `Jinxiang' )and light type(including C. speciosa `Luofu', `Changjun', `Hongxia', `Yufo' and `Aoxing'), and C.sinensis group also can be further divided into two cultivar groups of large fruit type(including C. sinensis `Yulan' and `Douqing') and medium-small fruit type (including C. sinensis `Xipi', `Shenghua', `Shougua', `Foshou', `Jinpingguo', `Dajinpingguo', `Dashizitou',`Xiaoshizitou',`Chenxiang',`Hongyun'and`Keshi'). There are highly significant correlations among characters of peel wrinkling or not after fruit storage, with or without edge groove on fruit surface, color of tender leaf, with or without thorn on fruiting branch and stipule shape, and their correlation coefficients all reach 1. 000 . The result of principal component analysis shows that the accumulative contribution rate of first four principal components amounts to 89.66%. According to the absolute weight value of each character in first four principal components, twelve morphological characters with more important effect on cultivar classification of Chaenomeles spp. Are selected. Among them, the five characters such as peel wrinkling or not after fruit storage, with or without edge groove on fruit surface, color of tender leaf, with or without thorn on fruiting branch and stipule shape are main morphological characters used to distinguish main cultivars of Chaenomeles spp. in Shandong Province. |
关键词 | 木瓜; 主栽品种; 形态性状; 聚类分析; 相关性分析; 主成分分析 |
Key words | Chaenomeles spp.; main cultivar; morphological character; cluster analysis; correlation analysis; principal component analysis |
作者 | 贾 波,曹帮华,庞丙亮,王 兵,洪丕征 |
所在单位 | 山东农业大学林学院,山东泰安271018 |
点击量 | 1756 |
下载次数 | 1072 |
基金项目 | 山东省农业良种工程重点项目(30362) |