2024年10月23日 星期三
Systematic positions of some genera of Leskeaceae and Thuidiaceae accessed by electrophoretic evidences
2000年 第9卷 第1期 页码[39-42]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

利用垂直板型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术, 对羊角藓Herpetineuron toccoae ( Sull.et .Lesq .) Card.〕、短肋羽藓
( T huidium kanedae Sak.) 多疣麻羽藓Claopodium pellucinerve ( M itt.) Best.〕、皱叶牛舌藓
Anomodon rugelii
( C .Mǜll.) Keissl .〕、暗绿多枝藓Haplohymenium triste ( Ces.) K indb .〕、多毛藓Lescuraea patens ( Lindb.) Arn .
〕、薄罗 藓( Leskea polycarpa Ehrh .ex Hedw .) 细 叶小羽藓Bryohaplocladium microphyllum ( Hedw .) R.
Watanabe et Iwats〕、小粗疣藓( Fauriella tenerrima Broth.) 和狭叶小羽藓Bryohaplocladium angustifolium
( Hampe
et C
.Mǜll.) R.Watanabe et Iwats.〕10 种植物进行过氧化物酶酯酶苹果酸脱氢酶谷草转氨酶和乳酸脱氢酶分
结果表明将多枝藓属 ( Haplohymenium Doz .et M olk.) 牛舌藓属( Anomodon Hoo k.et Tayl.) 羊角藓属
Herpetineuron ( C .Mǜ ll.) Card .〕合并独立成为牛舌藓科( Anomodontaceae) 是合理的;小羽藓属(
R.Wa tanabe et I wats.) 和麻羽藓属Claopodium ( Lesq .et Jam .) Ren et Card.〕宜归入薄罗藓科( Leskeaceae)


Herpetineuron toccoae ( Sull .et .Lesq .) Card ., Thuidium kanedae Sak ., Claopodium pellucinerve ( M itt .) Best ., Anomodon rugelii ( C.M ǜll .) Keissl ., Haplohymenium triste ( Ces .)Kindb., Lescuraea patens ( Lindb .) Arn .et Jens, Leskea polycarpa Ehrh .ex Hedw .,Bryohaplocladium microphyllum ( Hedw .) R .Watanabe et Iwats, Fauriella tenerrima Broth .and Bryohaplocladium angustifolium ( H ampe et C .Mǜll .) R .Watanabe et Iwats. were studied with the isozyme electrophoresis, including Peroxidase ( PER) , Esterase ( EST) , Malate Dehydrogenase ( MDH) , Glutamate-Oxaloacetate Transaminase ( GOT ) , and Lactate Dehy drogenase ( LDH ) .The results show that the genera Haplohy menium Doz .et Molk ., Anomodon Hook .et Tayl., Herpetinenron ( C .Mǜll.) Card. placed in Anomodontaceae are acceptable w hile Bryohaplocladium R . Watanabe et Iwats .and Claopodium ( Lesq .et Jam .) Ren et Card. are more suitable to be placed in Leskeaceae than in Thuidiaceae. It also reveals that isozyme electrophoresis combined w ith numerical taxonomy is useful in clarifying systematic positions of some bryophytes .

关键词薄罗藓科; 羽藓科; 电泳技术; 同工酶; 数值分类
Key wordsLeskeaceae; Thuidiaceae; electrophoretic method; isozyme; numerical taxonomy
作者吴玉环 ,王幼芳 ,胡人亮
所在单位中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110015
华东师范大学生物系, 上海 200062