摘要 | 利用垂直板型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术, 对羊角藓〔Herpetineuron toccoae ( Sull.et .Lesq .) Card.〕、短肋羽藓 |
Abstract | Herpetineuron toccoae ( Sull .et .Lesq .) Card ., Thuidium kanedae Sak ., Claopodium pellucinerve ( M itt .) Best ., Anomodon rugelii ( C.M ǜll .) Keissl ., Haplohymenium triste ( Ces .)Kindb., Lescuraea patens ( Lindb .) Arn .et Jens, Leskea polycarpa Ehrh .ex Hedw .,Bryohaplocladium microphyllum ( Hedw .) R .Watanabe et Iwats, Fauriella tenerrima Broth .and Bryohaplocladium angustifolium ( H ampe et C .Mǜll .) R .Watanabe et Iwats. were studied with the isozyme electrophoresis, including Peroxidase ( PER) , Esterase ( EST) , Malate Dehydrogenase ( MDH) , Glutamate-Oxaloacetate Transaminase ( GOT ) , and Lactate Dehy drogenase ( LDH ) .The results show that the genera Haplohy menium Doz .et Molk ., Anomodon Hook .et Tayl., Herpetinenron ( C .Mǜll.) Card. placed in Anomodontaceae are acceptable w hile Bryohaplocladium R . Watanabe et Iwats .and Claopodium ( Lesq .et Jam .) Ren et Card. are more suitable to be placed in Leskeaceae than in Thuidiaceae. It also reveals that isozyme electrophoresis combined w ith numerical taxonomy is useful in clarifying systematic positions of some bryophytes . |
关键词 | 薄罗藓科; 羽藓科; 电泳技术; 同工酶; 数值分类 |
Key words | Leskeaceae; Thuidiaceae; electrophoretic method; isozyme; numerical taxonomy |
作者 | 吴玉环 ,王幼芳 ,胡人亮 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110015 华东师范大学生物系, 上海 200062 |
点击量 | 1686 |
下载次数 | 1023 |