2024年12月17日 星期二
Survey and analysis of exotic weeds in China
2000年 第9卷 第4期 页码[34-38]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

经过调查研究和对大量文献资料的整理和分析 ,中国的异域杂草有 10 8 ,隶属 2 3 ,来源于世界各地 ,而其中美洲起源的占 6 0 %。这些异域杂草 5 8%是作为有用植物引进的 ,其余则随交通工具、进口农产品等途径无意传入。对传入时间的分析表明 ,自古代以来就有异域杂草的传入 ,而随着国际交往的日益频繁呈上升趋势。异域杂草在中国的分布是其固有的环境生态适应性、杂草自身的传播能力和人类的传播活动综合作用的结果


One hundred and eight species of exotic weeds belonging to 23 families were identified and recorded in China through investigation and referring to the related literatures .Among the exotic weeds originating from various regions in the world , those originated from America accounted for 60 %.Concerning the introduction ways , 58 %of the exotic weeds were introduced as useful plants , while the others were introduced accidentally in accompany with transportation , imports of agricultural products , etc .The analysis of introduction time indicated that the exotic weeds have been introduced since ancient times , and exotic weeds augmented as the international exchanges grew .The distribution of the exotic weeds in China was governed by the integration of the inherent ecological adaptability of the weeds , their spread capability and the human spread activities .

关键词异域杂草; 中国; 来源地; 传入途径; 传入时间;
Key wordsexotic weed; China; origin region; introduction way; introduction time
作者强 胜 ,曹学章
所在单位南京农业大学杂草研究室, 南京 210095
国家环境保护总局南京环境科学研究所, 南京210042