2025年1月22日 星期三
Effects of media and conditions on growth of Grifola frondosa
2003年 第12卷 第1期 页码[21-25]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

探讨了不同营养基质与条件对灰树花〔Grifola frondosa (Fr.)S.F.Gray〕生长的影响。试验结果表明:菌丝生长的最适pH为5~6;最适氮源为蛋白胨、牛肉膏和谷氨酰胺,葡萄糖和蛋白胨最适浓度分别为100和1g L;菌丝在黑暗环境下生长良好;使用马铃薯蛋白胨培养基进行振荡培养,菌丝球生长较好;母种采用马铃薯麦麸培养基,栽培种选用棉子壳麦麸石灰培养料,可缩短制种周期,获得质量较高的菌种;菌丝含有较多的钙、铁和锌等元素。


The growth media and conditions of Grifola frondosa ( Fr. )S .F.Gray were reported. The experiment results indicated that the optimal pH was 5-6. Peptone, beef extract and glutamine were suitable nitrogen sources. 100g L glucose or 1g L peptone was optimum concentration. Mycelia grew well in darkness. The mycelial pellet grew well in potato-peptone medium. The optimum medium for mother culture was potatobran medium and the best substrate of culture spawn was the mixed material of cotton seed shell-bran-lime. The contents of mineral elements such as Ca, Fe and Zn were rich in mycelia of G. frondosa .

关键词灰树花; 菌丝体; 营养基质; 生长条件; 矿质元素
Key wordsGrifola frondosa (Fr.)S .F .Gray; mycelium; medium; growth condition; mineral element
作者张 松 , 沈如冰 , 乐以成
所在单位华南师范大学生命科学学院, 广东 广州 510631