2024年10月23日 星期三
The influence of algae-type eutrophication on aquatic higher plants and hydrophytic vegetational reconstruction in Taihu Lake
1998年 第7卷 第4期 页码[52-57]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

太湖的五里湖是典型的藻型富营养化湖泊,水质污染严重,水生高等植物消失。在该湖的物理 生态工程围区内外,用盆吊繁殖试验、壮芽直播试验及人工水生植物群落套种栽培试验,研究藻型富营养化湖泊中影响水生高等植物生长、繁殖的主要水环境因子。结果表明,水体透明度是制约沉水植物和浮叶植物幼苗成活及生长的主要因子。在水体透明度较低、水下光照不足时,沉水植物生长受水下光照的影响大于浮叶植物,水下光照严重不足时,沉水植物的幼苗大量死亡。1995~1997年,在围区内成功地组建了包括漂浮植物、浮叶植物及沉水植物的15个不同的水生高等植物群落。恢复和重建的水生高等植物群落能够有效地净化富营养化水体。


In the algae-ty pe eutrophication lake in Taihu Lake, by experiments of pot-culture propagation, strong bud sowing and artificial community interplantings, the main factors that influence the g row th and propagation of aquatic hig her plants were investigated .The results show that the w ater transparency is the key control factor of survival and g row th fo r submerged and leave-floating plants .When the intensity of illumination of underwater is insufficient, the g row th of submerged plants is inhibited more strong ly than that of leave-floating plants, and their seedlings w ill die under serious insufficiency of illumination .From 1995 to 1997, fifteen species of aquatic vascular plants were introduced and vegetated in the enclosures of  hysical-ecological
.Fifteen communities were reconstructed w hich include floating , leavefloating and submerged plants .It is available to purify the eutrophication lake water by the reconstructed communities .

关键词藻型富营养化; 水生高等植物; 生长; 植被恢复; 净化作用;
Key wordsalgae-type eutrophication; aquatic higher plants; growth; vegetation reconstruction; purification
基金项目国家科委和欧洲联盟科技部联合支持项目:中国太湖除藻与净化水质的物理生物工程, 合同号 C I1 *-C T93-0094 ( DG12 HSM U)