摘要 | 本文报道1988年和1989年春夏之际异常和正常的桔园小气候环境对柑桔树开花结果物候期、抽梢生长、幼果发育、生理落果、当年果实产量和品质等性能的影响。结果表明,柑桔树的座果率受许多生态生理因素制约,但第一次生理落果主要与开花期桔园的小气候环境有关,第二次生理落果则与树体营养生理代谢密切相关。据此提出了预测预报柑桔树第二次生理落果的指标及其防御措施。 |
Abstract | Effects of abnormal and normal microclimate environments in citrus groves from spring to summer in 1988 and in 1989 on flowering and fruit bearing characteristics in the same year, such as phenological phases, vegetative growth, development of young fruits, physiological fruit drop, fruit yield and quality in six superior citrus cultivars were studied. It was found that there were multiple ecophysiological factors affecting fruit setting ability of citrus trees. The first physiological fruit drop of citrus trees, however, seems mostly in relation to microclirhate environments in citrus groves during its flowering period. There is a close relationship between the second physiological fruit drop of citrus trees and physiological nutrition metabolism of the trees. Furthermore, some indexes predicting the second physiological fruit drop of citrus trees and its precautions for high yield of fruits in citriculture were also discussed in the paper. |
关键词 | 柑桔; 开花; 结果; 生态环境; 生理因素; 小气候条件; |
Key words | citrus; flowering; fruit bearing; ecological environment; physiological factors : microclimate condition |
作者 | 陈 凯,章文才, 潘家铮 ,马湘涛,张君芝 ,杨明峰 ,鲍江锋 |
所在单位 | 南京农业大学,南京210014 华中农业大学 ,武 汉 430070 |
点击量 | 1254 |
下载次数 | 918 |
基金项目 | 国家 自然 科学基 金 |