摘要 | 为了探明江苏宝华山宝华鹅耳枥〔Carpinus oblongifolia (Hu) Hu et W. C. Cheng〕种群现状,在其集中分布区域随机设置了6个样方,并对每个样方进行了实地调查;在此基础上,以树高(H)和胸径(DBH)为指标,对该区域宝华鹅耳枥种群的龄级结构进行了分析,并对其所在群落的物种组成和结构特征进行了分析。结果表明:供试6个样方内共有宝华鹅耳枥44株,其种群径级结构呈正态分布,其中,Ⅲ级(2.5 cm≤DBH<7.5 cm)和Ⅳ级(7.5 cm≤DBH<15.0 cm)的株数明显高于其余径级,而Ⅰ级(H<33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm)和Ⅱ级(H≥33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm)的株数偏少。供试6个样方共有维管植物38科55属63种,部分样方缺少灌木层植物;乔木层中Ⅲ级及以上的植株有157株,包括宝华鹅耳枥37株、其他种类120株;宝华鹅耳枥的径级结构仅在1个样方中完整,而在其余5个样方中均呈现断级现象。从乔木层植物的重要值看,宝华鹅耳枥的重要值在多数样方中并不是第1位。综上所述,宝华鹅耳枥在群落中不占有优势地位,且其种群的径级结构不完整,尤以低龄级的幼苗和幼树数量较少,种群难以维持稳定发展。因此,建议采取就地保护辅以迁地保护的保护措施,并进一步探明其幼苗和幼树建成的影响因子,以便创造合适条件,增强宝华鹅耳枥种群的天然更新能力。 |
Abstract | In order to explore the population status of Carpinus oblongifolia (Hu) Hu et W. C. Cheng in Baohua Mountain of Jiangsu Province, six quadrats were randomly set in its centralized distribution area, and field investigation of each quadrat was carried out. On the basis, taking height (H) and diameter at breast height (DBH) as indexes, age class structure of C. oblongifolia population in this area was analyzed, and species composition and structure characteristics of its community were analyzed. The results show that there are 44 C. oblongifolia in six test quadrats, diameter class structure of its population appears normal distribution, in which, plant numbers of Ⅲ class (2.5 cm≤DBH<7.5 cm) and Ⅳ class (7.5 cm≤DBH<15.0 cm) are obviously higher than those of other diameter classes, while those of Ⅰ class (H<33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm) and Ⅱ class (H≥33 cm, DBH<2.5 cm) are few. There are 63 species of vascular plants in 55 genera of 38 families in six test quadrats, and some quadrats lack shrub layer plants. In arbor layer, there are 157 individuals at Ⅲ class and above, which contains 37 C. oblongifolia and 120 other species. The diameter class structure of C. oblongifolia is complete only in one quadrat, while appears broken class phenomenon in other five quadrats. From the view of importance value of arbor layer plants, the importance value of C. oblongifolia is not the first in most quadrats. In conclusion, C. oblongifolia does not occupy an dominant position in the community, and diameter class of its population is incomplete, especially numbers of seedlings and saplings at young age class are less, the population is difficult to maintain stable development. Therefore, it is suggested to take measures of in situ conservation and supplement with ex situ conservation, and the factors affecting establishment of seedlings and saplings should be explored, so as to create appropriate conditions to enhance natural regeneration ability of C. oblongifolia population. |
关键词 | 宝华鹅耳枥; 濒危物种; 种群现状; 径级结构; 就地保护 |
Key words | Carpinus oblongifolia (Hu) Hu et W. C. Cheng; endangered species; population status; diameter class structure; in situ conservation |
作者 | 李素梅, 汪庆, 王淑安, 王鹏, 李亚 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 2627 |
下载次数 | 1219 |
基金项目 | 中国科学院重点部署项目(KFJ-3W-No1-1); 江苏省植物资源研究与利用重点实验室开放基金项目(JSPKLB201844) |