摘要 | 对采自南京太平门的雪松〔Cedrus deodara (Roxb .)Loud .〕树轮α 纤维素的δ13 C进行分析 ,结合江苏气象台的气象记录 ,建立树轮δ13 C与气候各要素的回归方程 ,并进行了气候重建 ,重建值与观测值吻合较好 ,表明南京地区树轮α 纤维素稳定碳同位素与 5~ 7月平均降雨量及 5~ 9月平均气温显著相关 ,重δ13 C对应于 5~ 7月的少雨和 5~ 9月的高温 ,轻δ13 C对应于 5~ 7月的多雨和 5~ 9月的低温 ,在一定程度上反映了东亚季风盛行区树木生长与水热组合的关系。 |
Abstract | The δ 13C on α -cellulose of Cedrus deodara ( Roxb. ) Loud. tree rings are analysed in Taipingmen area, Nanjing. Combining with the records of Jiangsu Meteorological Station, the regressional equations of δ 13 C and climatic factors are constructed, then the parameters are reconstructed. The calculated values are identical with the true values. The results indicated that δ 13C values of tree ring α -cellulose in Nanjing area show significant correlation with air temperature from May to September and precipitation rate from May to July. The heavy δ 13 C is corresponding to the little precipitation and high temperature, the light δ 13C is corresponding to the increasing precipitation and low temperature. To a certain extent, which inferred the relation between tree growth and water temperature in East Asian Monsoon prevailing area. |
关键词 | 树轮; 稳定碳同位素; 气候重建; |
Key words | tree-ring; stable carbon isotope; climatic reconstruction |
作者 | 沈 吉 陈毅风 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊沉积与环境开放实验室, 南京 210008 |
点击量 | 1225 |
下载次数 | 888 |
基金项目 | 1998 年度江苏省自然科学基金资助项目( BK97218) |