2025年3月7日 星期五
Effects of the extract from Ginkgo biloba leaves extracted by supercritical fluid extraction on seed germination of Chinese fir
2003年 第12卷 第3期 页码[20-24]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

采用正交试验设计L8(27)及超临界萃取技术,乙醇作夹带剂,就银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)叶提取物对杉木〔Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.〕种子的发芽效应进行了生物检测。结果表明:不同萃取条件下,纯CO2及夹带剂和CO2混合萃取的银杏叶提取物对杉木种子发芽的影响不同;就RI值(敏感指数)而言,在纯CO2萃取的浓度为200mg/kg银杏叶提取物中,杉木种子绝对发芽率为0.23,绝对发芽势为0.15,胚根长为0.01,胚轴长为-0.02;夹带剂和CO2混合萃取的浓度为200mg/kg银杏叶提取物除了对杉木种子绝对发芽率和绝对发芽势表现为促进作用外(RI值分别为0.03和0.34),对胚根长及胚轴长则表现为轻微的抑制作用(RI值分别为-0.09和-0.03)。


The extract of Ginkgo biloba L. leaves extracted by supercritical CO2 fluid extraction under orthogonal experimental design L 8( 27 ) was used to analysis allelopathic activity to Chinese fir〔Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb. ) Hook . 〕 through bioassay of seed germination of Chinese fir. The results showed the extract of G. biloba leaves extracted by different extraction conditions had different effects on seed germination. As far as RI value was concerned, the extract ( 200 mg/kg) of G.biloba leaves extracted by pure CO2 had a positive effect on absolute germination rate, absolute germination power and plumular root length ( The RI values were 0. 23, 0. 15 and 0. 01, respectively) , but had the weakly inhibitory effect on plumular axis length ( RI value was -0. 02) . The extract ( 200 mg kg) of G. biloba leaves extracted by entrainer mixed with CO2 had a positive effect on absolute germination rate and absolute germination power of Chinese fir ( the RI valueswere 0. 03 and 0. 34, respectively) , but had a weakly inhibitory effect on plumular root length and plumular axis length ( the RI values were -0. 09 and -0. 03, respectively) .

关键词银杏叶提取物; 杉木; 种子发芽试验; 药用植物;
Key wordsextract of G inkgo biloba L.; Chinese fir; seed germination experiment; medicinal plant
所在单位1、福建农林大学林学院; 福建南平353001