摘要 | 为全面了解江苏宝华山区药用维管植物资源现状,依据“第四次全国中药资源普查冶项目的要求,采用线路调查和样方调查相结合的方法,对该区域药用维管植物的种类组成、科属构成、生活型、濒危现状和中药学特征以及重点药用维管植物的资源状况进行了调查和分析。结果显示:宝华山区共有药用维管植物164 科620 属1 089种(含种下等级),分别占江苏省药用维管植物科、属、种数的88. 2%、87. 3%、81. 0%,其中,蕨类植物25 科33 属50种、裸子植物7 科13 属16 种、被子植物132 科574 属1 023 种;在科属构成上均以包含单种和寡种的小科、小属为主。从该区域药用维管植物的生活型看,以草本最为丰富,有734 种;乔木和灌木(含木质藤本)较少,分别有125和230 种。从所在的植被类型看,阔叶林数量最多,其后依次为针阔混交林、灌草丛、人工植被,针叶林数量最少。从地理分布看,与同区域种子植物的地理分布特征基本吻合,具有亚热带向温带过渡的特点。从珍稀濒危状况看,该区域现存中国特有属14 属、国家级珍稀濒危药用维管植物18 种、江苏省省级保护药用维管植物32 种。从中药材上看,有道地药材17 种和重点药用维管植物130 种,但各种类的数量总体上较少。从该区域药用维管植物的中药学特征看,在药用部位上以全草(株)类、根和根茎类较多,分别占总种数的44. 2% 和24. 0%;在药性上以平性最多,占30. 9%;在药味上以苦味最多,占40. 0%;有毒的药用植物占12. 9%,其中小毒种类最多。综合分析结果显示:宝华山区药用维管植物种类丰富,其中,道地药材占有一定比例,但重点药用维管植物数量有限且分布频度总体较低。根据上述调查结果,对宝华山区药用维管植物资源的保护和利用提出了一些建议。 |
Abstract | In order to overall understand resource status of medicinal vascular plants in Mt. Baohua of Jiangsu Province, according to requirement of the project “The fourth national survey on Chinese materia medica resources”, species composition, structures of family and genus, life-form, endangered status and Chinese medicine characteristics of medicinal vascular plants, and resource status of key medicinal vascular plants in the region were investigated and analyzed by method of combining route and quadrat investigations. Results show that there are 1 089 species (including infraspecies) of medicinal vascular plants belonging to 620 genera of 164 families in Mt. Baohua, accounting for 88. 2%, 87. 3% and 81. 0% of numbers of families, genera and species of medicinal vascular plants in Jiangsu Province, respectively. In which, there are 50 species belonging to 33 genera in 25 families of pteridophyta, 16 species belonging to 13 genera in 7 families of gymnosperms and 1 023 species belonging to 574 genera in 132 families of angiosperms. And small family and small genus containing one species or a few species are dominant in structures of family and genus. In view of life-form. of medicinal vascular plants in the region, herbs are the richest with 734 species, arbors and shrubs (including woody vine) are few with 125 and 230 species, respectively. In view of vegetation type in the region, number of broad-leaved forest is the most, followed by coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, shrub-grassland, artificial vegetation, and that of coniferous forest is the fewest. In view of geographical distribution, they are basically consistent with geographical distribution characteristics of seed plants in the same region, with a characteristic of transition from subtropical zone to temperate zone. In view of rare and endangered status, there are 14 Chinese endemic genera, 18 species of national rare and endangered medicinal vascular plants and 32 species of Jiangsu provincial protection medicinal plants in the region. In view of Chinese herbal medicines, there are 17 species of genuine medicinal materials and 130 species of key medicinal vascular plants, but number of these species is small totally. In view of Chinese medicine characteristics of medicinal vascular plants in the region, numbers of whole plant type and root and rhizome type are more in the medicinal parts, accounting for 44. 2% and 24. 0% of total species number, respectively; number of peaceful property herbs is the most in the property of Chinese medicine, accounting for 30. 9%; number of bitter herbs is the most in the taste of Chinese medicine, accounting for 40. 0%; and number of toxic herbs accounts for 12. 9%, in which, that of low toxic herbs is the most. Result of comprehensive analysis indicates that species of medicinal vascular plants in Mt. Baohua is rich, in which, genuine medicinal materials occupy a certain proportion, but the key medicinal vascular plants is limited and their distribution frequency is low generally. According to above investigation result, some suggestions on protection and utilization of resources of medicinal vascular plants in Mt. Baohua have been put forward. |
关键词 | 宝华山区; 维管植物; 药用植物; 珍稀濒危植物; 物种组成; 保护措施 |
Key words | Mt. Baohua; vascular plants; medicinal plants; rare and endangered plants; species composition; protection measures |
作者 | 韦苏晏1, 吴宝成1, 田方2, 郭盛2, 闫精扬2, 宋春凤1, 周伟1, 刘启新1 |
所在单位 | 1. 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏南京210014; 2. 南京中医药大学药学院, 江苏南京210023 |
点击量 | 1512 |
下载次数 | 1244 |
基金项目 | 国家中医药公益性行业科研项目(201407002); 江苏省科技支撑计划项目(农业部分)(BE2012410) |