摘要 | 研究了不同浓度Cu胁迫下,黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacaorus L.)和马蔺〔I. lacteal Pall. var. chinensis (F isch.)Roide〕对Cu的富集作用及对其他营养元素的吸收作用。结果表明,黄菖蒲和马蔺均能超量富集吸收Cu,在55和80 mg.L-1Cu胁迫下,黄菖蒲和马蔺地上部分对Cu的富集量分别达2 933.93和5 614.56μg.g-1、2 586.83和8 846.44μg.g-1,地下部分对Cu的富集量明显高于地上部分,表明这2种植物为潜在的Cu富集植物。低浓度(1、3和5 mg.L-1)Cu胁迫下,2种植物对Mn、Ca、K和Mg的吸收与对照差异不显著,但高浓度Cu胁迫可导致各营养元素吸收代谢失衡。 |
Abstract | Cu accumulation and absorption of six nutrient elements in above-and under-ground parts of Iris pseudacaorus L. and I. lacteal Pall.var. chinensis (Fisch.) Roide were studied under Cu stress with different concentrations. The results showed that I. pseudacaorus and I. lacteal var. chinensis had the ability to hyper-accumulate Cu, and Cu content in above-groundpart of I. pseudacaorus and I. lacteal var. chinensis reached to 2 933. 93 and 5 614. 56μg·g- 1, 2 586. 83 and 8 846. 44μg·g- 1 respectively under 55 and 80mg·L- 1 Cu stress. The hyper-accumulation ability to Cu of under-ground part was obviously higher than that of above-ground part. It is suggested that these two species are the potential Cu hyper-accumulators. Under Cu stress with lower concentrations (1- 3mg·L- 1), absorption to Mn、Ca、K and Mg of I. pseudacaorus and I. lactea var. chinensis had no significant difference compared with control, where as the absorption metabolism of some nutrient elements was imbalance under Cu stress with high concentrations(55- 80mg·L- 1). |
关键词 | 黄菖蒲; 马蔺; Cu胁迫; 营养元素; 吸收; |
Key words | Iris pseudacaorus L.; I. lactea Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch.) Roide; Cu stress; nutrient element; absorption |
作者 | 张开明1,2,佟海英1,黄苏珍1 ,原海燕1 |
所在单位 | 1.江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园),江苏南京210014; 2.武汉科技大学中南分校,湖北武汉430223 |
点击量 | 1591 |
下载次数 | 1020 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30270940); 江苏省农业高新技术项目(BG2003308); |