2024年10月23日 星期三
13 种栎属植物叶片的气孔特征及其相关性分析和分类学意义
Leaf stomatal characteristics and correlation analysis of thirteen species in Quercus Linn. and taxonomic significance
2015年 第24卷 第2期 页码[48-55]    下载全文[2MB]  

以13 种栎属(Quercus Linn.)植物也包括产自辽宁省的槲栎组(Sect. Quercus)8 种和麻栎组(Sect. Aegilops)2 种以及引自北美洲的沼生栎组(Sect. Erythobalanus)2 种和引自波兰的白栎组(Sect. Lepidabalanus)1 种页为试材,观察了这些种类叶片的气孔形态,并分析了气孔器和气孔的形态参数,还对各形态参数间的相关性进行了分析;在此基础上,对13 种栎属植物进行了聚类分析。结果表明:栎属植物叶片的气孔仅分布于下表皮;气孔器排列属无规则型;气孔保卫细胞呈肾形,内壁加厚;气孔下陷,呈椭圆形或狭长椭圆形。供试种类的气孔和气孔器的形态参数差异明显,变异系数差异较大;气孔器的长轴长度、短轴长度和面积分别为18. 24 ~ 27. 46 μm、14. 63 ~23.18 μm 和221. 56 ~501. 70 μm2 ,变异系数分别为7. 73% ~ 15. 90%、7. 10% ~ 17. 44% 和14. 13% ~ 32. 73%,气孔器指数为0. 73 ~0. 85;气孔的长轴长度、短轴长度、面积和密度分别为8. 69 ~15. 41 μm、1. 94 ~8. 49 μm、15. 15 ~104. 93 μm2 和462. 32 ~984. 44 mm-2 ,变异系数分别为12. 03% ~22. 17%、13. 65% ~34. 10%、27. 95% ~54. 13%和8. 10% ~16. 99%,气孔指数为0. 22 ~0. 57;总体上,按照多数气孔器和气孔参数从大至小的变化趋势依次排序为沼生栎组、白栎组、麻栎组、槲栎组。相关性分析结果表明:供试种类的气孔密度与气孔器和气孔的长轴及短轴长度均呈极显著(P<0. 01)负相关;气孔器面积与气孔器指数和气孔指数分别呈极显著和显著(P<0. 05)正相关;气孔面积与气孔器和气孔的长轴和短轴长度、气孔器指数和气孔指数呈极显著正相关,但与气孔密度呈显著负相关。聚类分析结果表明:在欧氏距离10 处可将13 种栎属植物分为3 类,第Ⅰ类包含槲栎组的8 种,第域类包含麻栎组和白栎组的3 种,第Ⅱ类包含沼生栎组的2 种。研究结果显示:栎属植物叶片的气孔特征具有一定的稳定性,可作为栎属植物组间分类及亲缘关系分析的依据之一。


Taking 13 species in Quercus Linn. including 8 species in Sect. Quercus and 2 species in Sect.  Aegilops collected from Liaoning Province and 2 species in Sect. Erythobalanus introduced from North America and 1 species in Sect. Lepidabalanus introduced from Poland as tested materials, leaf stomatal morphology of these species was observed, and morphological parameters of stomatal apparatus and stoma were analyzed, correlations among these morphological parameters were also analyzed. On this basis, cluster analysis of 13 species in Quercus was carried out. The results show that leaf stomata of Quercus species distribute only on lower epidermis, arrangement of stomatal apparatus belongs to irregular type; stomatal guard cells appear reniform. with thickening inner wall, stomata sunken and appear the shape of oval or long oval. Differences in morphological parameters of stoma and stomatal apparatus of species tested are obvious, and those in their coefficient of variation are also bigger. Long axis length, short axis length and area of stomatal apparatus are 18. 24-27. 46 μm, 14. 63-23. 18 μm and 221. 56-501. 70 μm2,  respectively, their coefficient of variation are 7. 73% -15. 90%, 7. 10% -17. 44% and 14. 13% -32.73%, respectively, and stomatal apparatus index is 0. 73-0. 85. Long axis length, short axis length, area and density of stoma are 8. 69-15. 41 μm, 1. 94-8. 49 μm, 15. 15-104. 93 μm2 and 462. 32-984. 44 mm-2, respectively, their coefficient of variation are 12. 03% -22. 17%, 13. 65% -34. 10%, 27. 95% -54. 13% and 8. 10% -16. 99%, respectively, and stomatal index is 0. 22-0. 57.Overall, according to change trend from big to small of most parameters of stomatal apparatus and stoma, the order in turn is Sect. Erythobalanus, Sect. Lepidabalanus, Sect. Aegilops, Sect. Quercus. The results of correlation analysis show that stomatal density appears extremely significantly negative (P<0. 01) correlation with long axis length and short axis length of stomatal apparatus and stoma; stomatal apparatus area appears extremely significantly and significantly ( P < 0. 05) positive correlation with stomatal apparatus index and stomatal index, respectively; and stomatal area appears extremely significantly positive correlation with long axis length and short axis length of stomatal apparatus and stoma, stomatal apparatus index and stomatal index, but significantly negative correlation with stomatal density. The result of cluster analysis shows that 13 species in Quercus can be divided into 3 categories at Euclidean distance of 10, category Ⅰincludes 8 species in Sect. Quercus, category Ⅱdoes 3 species in Sect. Aegilops and Sect. Lepidabalanus, and category Ⅲdoes 2 species in Sect. Erythobalanus. It is suggested that stomatal characteristics of Quercus species have a certain stability, can be used as one of bases for classification and phylogenetic analysis of Quercus species.

关键词栎属; 气孔特征; 形态参数; 相关性分析; 聚类分析; 分类依据
Key wordsQuercus Linn.; stomatal characteristics; morphological parameter; correlation analysis; cluster analysis; classification basis
作者王连珍, 郎庆龙, 夏兴宏, 仝振祥, 孙娟, 高伟
所在单位辽宁省蚕业科学研究所, 辽宁凤城118100
基金项目辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目(201202104); 辽宁省重大科技专项(2014209001); 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-22); 农业部中波农业科技中心合作项目