2025年3月14日 星期五
Fast-growing individual plant selection of Betula alnoides
2005年 第14卷 第4期 页码[30-35]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

采用方差分析、遗传参数分析和聚类分析方法,在福建省华安县引种实验林进行西南桦(Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)速生单株选择,25个种源中筛选出8个优良种源,树高平均遗传增益为10.4%。对8个种源中69个家系进行聚类分析,选择出13个速生家系,树高的平均遗传增益为29.4%。运用K快速聚类法从95个单株中筛选出14株速生单株,其遗传增益为118.01%,增产效果显著,在闽南一带可用作无性繁殖材料,以加速西南桦引种造林良种化进程。


By means of variance, genetic parameters and cluster analysis methods, screening superior fast-growing individual plant of Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham.ex D. Don were  studied in three levels from the introduction trial forest in Huaan County of Fujian Province. The results indicated that 8fine provenances were selected from 25 provenances with 10.4% in the mean genetic gains of tree height. 13 fast-growing families were selected from 69 families in 8provenances with 29.4% in the mean genetic gains of tree height. Using K fast cluster analysis, 14 superior individual plants were selected from 95 individual plants, their mean genetic gains were 118. 01%. The results showed that the superior individual plants exhibited obvious effect of yield increase and could be used as a good asexual propagation material to accelerate the course of introduction and afforestation in the South of Fujian Province.

关键词西南桦; 引种; 选择; 聚类分析;
Key wordsBetula alnoides Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don; introduction; select; cluster analysis