2025年3月12日 星期三
The analysis of the drought -resistance of Hippophae rhamnoides L.in loess hilly region
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[54-56]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

Under drought conditio n, the characteristics of water phy siology , photosynthetic rate and grow th of Hippophae
L.w ere analysed.The results showed:( 1) I n dry season, leaves of Hippophae rhamnoides L .can keep
hig her relative w ater content, big critical saturation deficiency , higher bound wa ter content and bigger ratio of bound water to free water, weak transpiration intensity , low leaf water potential
;( 2) U nder the condition of droug ht, transpiration intensity of Hippophae rhamnoides L.weakens, photosy nthetic rate goes dow n, it can keep ex uberant vitality and normal g rowth through adjusting by water itself .but chang e rang e of transpiration intensity is bigger than that of pho tosy nthetic rate for changing of water conditio n;( 3) T he way for drought-resistance of Hippophae rhamnoides L. belong s to typical dry-hardiness, and under the condition of drought, it reduces water consumption throug h transpiration intensity, w hich implies it has the characteristic of keeping out drought .This is the comprehensive reflection of dryresistance fo rmed by lo ng-term adapting the habitat of semiarid loess hilly region, and makes it has strong er capability of droug ht-resistance.These are impor tant to fo restation and drought-resistant variety breeding of Hippophae rhamnoides L.

关键词半干旱黄土丘陵区; 沙棘; 抗旱性
Key wordssemiarid loess hilly region; Hippophae rhamnoides L .; droug ht-resistance
作者阮成江, 李代琼
所在单位盐城工学院, 江苏盐城 224003
中国科学院水利部 水土保持研究所, 陕西杨陵 712100
基金项目国家科技部中俄国际合作项目和水利部“948” 引进项目( No.975154)